House Releases Its Energy Bill to Promote More American Energy – IOTW Report

House Releases Its Energy Bill to Promote More American Energy

I E R:

The U.S. House of Representatives released its energy bill, H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act which will increase the production and export of American energy and reduce the regulatory burdens that make it harder to build major infrastructure in the United States through comprehensive permitting reform. The Lower Energy Costs Act will also expedite critical mineral mining, streamline manufacturing, and make it easier to transport and export American natural gas by repealing the natural gas tax and speeding permitting for critical projects. It will also reform the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that currently adds years of delays and millions of dollars in costs to energy and infrastructure projects. The Lower Energy Costs Act will provide a streamlined, simplified permitting process for all federally impacted projects, speeding construction for pipelines, transmission, and water infrastructure. By fast-tracking the approval process for American energy production on federal lands and waters and speeding up the permitting process, the bill will lower costs for Americans and help grow the U.S. economy.

The Bill is an attempt to dispel some of the Biden Administration’s anti-oil and gas policies, pipeline permitting delays, and rejections of critical mineral mines such as revoking the leases for the Twin Metals mine in Minnesota and withdrawing lands from mining, despite resources known to be in place.  President Biden is conducting war upon American energy, apparently preferring the United States to get its oil from hostile countries or countries with dirtier energy whose standards are not on par with American companies and to get its critical minerals needed for technologies the Biden administration promotes (wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles batteries) from China, who dominates those supply chains. more here

6 Comments on House Releases Its Energy Bill to Promote More American Energy

  1. “Biden is conducting war upon American energy”
    This type of article is designed to rouse the rabble and keep the focus off the (real culprits) behind this stringed puppet.
    Bididnt isn’t conducting ANYTHING.

  2. Gee, just a few years ago we were not only energy independent but were the world’s largest exporter of both petroleum and natural gas to countries run by idiots who put their faith in fairy dust renewables.

    But we should not lose sight of the purpose of this bill, others like it, and all the committee oversite, it is not to change anything since we don’t have the Senate or the WH. It is to provide a blueprint for the American people of what could be when the right people are in charge. If you want lower gas and heating prices, an accountable government that will not sic the feds on you for wrong group-think, a kick-ass military that will actually attract applicants, a criminal justice system that will punish lawlessness, not reward or encourage it, and if you believe in a judicious but well-policed immigration system, then give us the power. Because those clowns on the other side just don’t get it.

  3. If we only had the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Right? How many Fing times do we have to go through this shit? Sorry, just one of those days.

  4. “How many Fing times do we have to go through this shit?”

    Well, let’s take a look at what having all three can do with the right guy. This is what Trump did;

    An end to Dodd-Frank.
    3 SCOTUS judges and around 200 federal judges, and not one diversity hire.
    “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”, cutting the corporate tax rate and that of the middle class.
    Bolstering economic growth by removing 860 specific business regulations.
    The lowest poverty rate for both blacks and Hispanics in 40 years.
    Real wage growth NOT decimated by inflation.
    Getting us out of the Paris Climate Accord.
    Better/smarter trade deals with Canada, Mexico, and our Pacific partners.
    I’ve already mentioned unleashing our energy potential, both here and abroad.

    These are just a few. Yes, if you want to get things done then you must control all the levers of power.

  5. How come I have the gut feeling that this worthless piece of energy policy by a meddling Congress will have the opposite effect of establishing real energy independence? Like what we had just 2 or 3 years ago when Trump was President. The democraps every act of legislation is like opposite day, guaranteed every time.


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