Happy St. Patrick’s Day! – IOTW Report

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Saint Patrick, who lived during the fifth century, is the patron saint of Ireland and its national apostle. Born in Roman Britain, he was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave at 16. He later escaped, but returned to Ireland and was credited with bringing Christianity to its people. MORE. [Image: St. Patrick heals a sick man. public domain]

12 Comments on Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  1. Irish were enslaved by the British (indentured servants) and brought to America for the same purpose.
    When anything dangerous had to be done Irish were used instead of African slaves as the African slaves were a financial investment and the Irish were free.
    When my grandparents came to the US from PEI in the 1950’s there were still ads for housing and jobs in the papers that said, “Irish and Catholic need not apply”. The Irish aren’t whiners and don’t even talk reparations or oppression.

    By the way, I am the first US born citizen in the family. 🙂

    We stay off the roads on St. Patrick’s Day and New Year’s Eve.

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

  2. OK, how many Irishmen does it take to change a light bulb? Just two; one climbs the ladder and holds the bulb, the other stays on the ground and drinks until the room starts spinning.

    Happy St Paddy’s Day, now go drink some green beer and have a little corned beef and cabbage.

  3. He was Scottish
    Kidnapped at 16 and taken to Ireland
    Escaped and became well educated in The Word
    Went back to Ireland and started ‘bible schools’
    Taught those in the Celtic ‘church’ to keep Sabbath and the Feasts of YHWH. Taught that the Way Messiah Yahshua, the apostles and Shaul (Paul) was to walk, by Faith, in Obedience to the WHOLE Word of YHWH.

    Most of the catholic lies came a couple of centuries(?) after his death, and like much of their ‘lore’, they stole and lied to further their own ‘bank accounts’ (in today’s vernacular).

  4. I’ve been studying Irish for a few hours tonight.

    Even though I’m Catholic, Here’s what I learned so far.

    Bushmills (protestant) Black Bush is MILES better than Jameson Triple Distilled. Same $$$$

    Sorry, But I will not Tell a Lie.

    Bourbon is Better than Canadian Whisky, by far.

    Ultimately However, GOOD SCOTCH TRUMPS THEM ALL!

    Cognac $uck$!

    Cheers All, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
    (which today coincides with the 3 year anniversary of “2 Weeks to Flatten The Curve” MY FUCKING ASS!)

  5. My favorite Irish folks;

    CS Lewis
    The Coors
    Conor McGregor
    Brendan Gleeson

    I don’t think you can go wrong with either Bushmills or Jamison. Corned beef and cabbage, and a 12.5% tax rate, Ireland is also a country I see pop up regularly for American retirees.


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