Giving up biometrics at US airports soon won’t be optional, transport security chief says – IOTW Report

Giving up biometrics at US airports soon won’t be optional, transport security chief says

RTN: The chief of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) David Pekoske said that the agency is considering biometric technology to reduce traveler processing times and reduce the number of screening officers. He made the comments at the South by Southwest conference, which focused on aviation security.

Pekoske noted that the TSA’s role is maintaining security and the transportation system and staying ahead of threats. For those reasons, it is “critically important that this system has as little friction as it possibly can, while we provide for safety and security.”

The TSA has been relying on biometric technology in the identification verification process. According to the agency, the newest technology it has been using is over 99% effective and does not have problems identifying darker-skinned people like the old technology. more

9 Comments on Giving up biometrics at US airports soon won’t be optional, transport security chief says

  1. How soon will Biometric cameras will be on every street corner in Cities over 50,000 population?
    US if following the China Police State.

    Oh, it’s more convenient, it will increase safety and security, it has no problem identifying “dark skinned” people, we’ll reduce the workforce, TSA assures all information remains transparent with the public, about the data that is taken, what it is used for, and for how long it will be stored.

    Yeah, The ATF and FBI said the same about Firearm transactions, even the “LAW” states that records aren’t to be kept, but the ATF and FBI still keep electronic records against the law.

    Do you trust DHS and TSA to be honest? After all they are Government Agencies, not beholding to the Law, Congress or Citizens, just like the present whitehouse, DOJ, IRS, FBI, ATF and numerous other Federal agencies.
    Safety and Security, for who? Weaponized Government or Citizens?

    I love my Country and fear what my Government has become.

  2. Hehe – Yeah, like they’ll put those damn things at the border…

    Safety isn’t in tracking everyone – it’s in punishing those that truly violate the law, regardless of their position.

    But we can’t have a safe uncontrolled community, now can we.

  3. I like to look at ways to possibly f**k with these Gooberment goons……let’s see……
    Much as I despise masks for the supposed purpose of preventing the spread of the ChiCoof, for throwing a wrench in the Gooberment gears, and because TPTB STILL insist on masks, I would wear a mask…and my driving sunglasses (Rx).
    If they can get a facial recognition biometric read off that, then we’re in scary times indeed.

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