Exculpatory Evidence – IOTW Report

Exculpatory Evidence


Wow, look what was just found—A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, and must end the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt, immediately. Cohen admits that he did it himself. The D.A. should get on with prosecuting violent criminals, so people can walk down the sidewalks of New York without being murdered!


52 Comments on Exculpatory Evidence

  1. “Is it possible Cohen had the affair and paid hush money to save his own ass?”

    If this is so then why the need to cover the expense as “Legal Fees” in Trump Inc.’s record books? Trump reimbursed Cohen for the whole amount and recorded it in his books as legal fees.

    Something smells fishy here. The attorney can’t rat out Cohen, what about attorney-client privilege? He is committing malpractice if he reveals things said to him by Cohen in confidence.

  2. “If this is so then why the need to cover the expense as “Legal Fees” in Trump Inc.’s record books? Trump reimbursed Cohen for the whole amount and recorded it in his books as legal fees.”

    You can’t be that stupid. I already wrote this out for you earlier. Where would you put that repayment in your General Ledger considering Cohen wrote the check from his law firm? Do you know what a general ledger is. Dude, I’m thinking you’re trying to be allusively stupid.

  3. @Loco

    Then that proves Cohen is a raving lunatic, but this does explain bouts of despondency and depression that have been said about him.

    And Brad’s being Brad again [sigh].

  4. Brad, Joe6pack was positing the notion that it was Cohen who slept with Miss Horse Face and that Cohen paid the 130 grand from his own money or money from his law firm. Cohen told the NYT in 2018 that he paid Daniels out of his own pocket. The initial payment did not come from Trump, it came from Cohen but Trump later reimbursed him and recorded this reimbursement as “legal fees”. That is what’s jamming him up the Bragg.

  5. “And Brad’s being Brad again [sigh].”

    Let’s explore my comment. Please.
    You wrote, “If this is so then why the need to cover the expense as “Legal Fees”

    If Cohen paid Blowey Daniels a payoff to go away, and Trump Inc. decided to reimburse, how do you expense that? I’m looking at my GL and going with Legal Fees. How about you? Answer the question.
    You are a babe in the woods when it comes to this shit but want to act like an authority. Good luck.

  6. Another perspective, this one from Rhonda Santis.


  7. Sigh

    I’m starting to think Loco and Rich are one in the same. and hey Rich, or Loco. Not sure what your deal is with politicians DOCUMENTING their platforms, I’m thinking it should be mandatory. How many politicians blow smoke up our ass and then flip a bitch? I’m thinking everyone, except Trump. Politicians should be required to post their policies from the day they declare. And Rich and Loco disagree. Understandable. They’re both pretty good at playing stupid. Sigh.

  8. Isn’t it possible that when Sloppy Daniels approached team Trump with her allegation, Trump told his “trusted” attorney, Cohen, to “make this go away”? And Cohen, then wanting to protect his client, decided the best way to “make it go away”, was to pay her off, and sign the NDA? And further, to give Donald plausible deniability, Cohen didn’t give Don the details, but just billed him for “legal fees”, and reimbursed himself. Seems pretty straightforward. Happens in business all the time.

  9. I think that more astute Democrats have figured out that this will turn out to be one massive cluster fire truck and have asked the DA if the word “Hillaried” means anything to him. So now we are getting the “We found new information that makes it clear that pursuing an indictment at this time would not be in the best interests of Justice.”

  10. “Politicians should be required to post their policies from the day they declare.”

    Except that RDS has NOT declared yet, what the hell is wrong with you?

    “And Rich and Loco disagree”

    You are big on labels, you said so yourself, I’m gonna give you the label “Bernie Bro”. See, that’s what Bernie libs do, they make outlandish statements with absolutely zero facts or evidence to back them up. And when you call them on it they counter with lame lazy affectations like,”Don’t make me laugh”.

    Please provide anything, anything at all that either loco or I posted that says what you said we said. I’m not going to let you weasel out of this one, provide the evidence or make a promise to the group that from now on you will not pull something out of your ass and call it fact.

  11. “Never start your own business”

    No worries, I am independently wealthy, been so for the last 20 years or so, so no work for me. But if I ever need someone to arrange hush money for a porn star, I will keep you in mind.

  12. “You are big on labels, you said so yourself,:
    You bet your ass. Do yo get your retirement from CalPers? Yes you do. While you were active how many times did you vote Democrat? I’m thinking every time. You should push on to Political.com. You are not who you pretend to be. And I don’t need yo in my fox hole.

  13. “Do yo get your retirement from CalPers?”

    I get a pension, yes, what does that prove?

    “While you were active how many times did you vote Democrat?”


    “I’m thinking every time”

    I’m not surprised since you are consistently wrong about pretty much everything you type.

    “And I don’t need yo in my fox hole”

    Your foxhole is pretty damn small indeed, so room for anyone else. You only allow people that embrace Brad-think, that narrow-minded sanctimonious my way or the highway style that deludes oneself into thinking that their brand of conservatism is pure, and no others measure up.

  14. And no weaseling out this time, and no changing the subject. Prove what you alleged about my loco, otherwise you are just like every single lib I have had the displeasure of meeting.

  15. “Says the guy that doesn’t own a gun”

    I own many guns but yes, I’m looking for another one. But what in the hell does that have to do with anything?

    Looks like you are trying to change the subject again.

  16. I gotta say, arguing with Brad always leaves a bad taste in my mouth because we are usually on the same side but Loco was right, sometimes his shit has to be called out from time to time.

    But the difference between Brad and I is that I have zero animosity, still consider him a patriot and still want him on my side.

  17. Please answer this honestly Brad: How did I expose myself?
    I am an open book on this site.
    I mean what I write and I write what I mean.

    That is the beauty of this site.
    Other sites my comments have been edited, deleted, and I’ve been banned.

    So please, I beseech you Brad, how have I exposed myself?

  18. “I can post e mails to the contrary”

    I sure hope you are not talking about my emails because that would be a bald-faced lie.

    OK, I accept that you are done and unwilling/unable to back up your claims, no problem. But I advise you to be more careful in the future about unfounded allegations within our group, it is bad form, divisive, and counter productive.

  19. Brad is so delusional that he believes only Rich & I have these views.

    Many on this site do as well but don’t want to get in a pissing match.
    Many MILLIONS in the country have the same views.
    It doesn’t really matter what Brad thinks but I sure hope Trump figures it out sooner than later…

  20. “I’ve deleted your address, please do the same with mine.”

    Wow, really? Argue with Brad and he will wish you out to the cornfields, he will strike your name from every pillar,and make every utterance of your name a capital offense.

    Juvenile behavior in full bloom. I’m sorry you feel that way, but you need to get a thicker skin.

  21. someoneup above: “…the notion that it was Cohen who slept with Miss Horse Face and that Cohen paid…”
    he probably did. everyone else has, it seems

    but we shouldn’t fight over whores


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