US launches airstrikes in Syria – IOTW Report

US launches airstrikes in Syria

The Pentagon has said Iran-affiliated groups were targeted, while local sources claim civilian infrastructure was hit.

RT: American forces have carried out retaliatory strikes in Syria in response to a deadly drone attack on a US-led coalition base in the northeastern part of the country, the Pentagon has said.

One US contractor was killed while five American troops and a contractor were wounded after “a one-way unmanned aerial vehicle” struck a maintenance facility near town of Hasakah around midday on Thursday, the Department of Defense reported. “The intelligence community assesses the UAV to be of Iranian origin,” it added.

In the same statement, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said he had been directed by President Joe Biden to authorize “precision airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).” 

The bombings were carried out “in response to today’s attack as well as a series of recent attacks against Coalition forces in Syria by groups affiliated with the IRGC,” Austin stated.

“No group will strike our troops with impunity,” Austin insisted, adding that the US will “always respond at a time and place of our choosing.”  MORE

10 Comments on US launches airstrikes in Syria

  1. This is just one more distraction to keep us away from focusing on all the proof of Biden’s criminal enterprises coming out now.

    He wants WWIII so badly, he’s going to make it happen one way or another.

  2. Remind me why we are still f—king around in Syria. Is it because President Trump tried to pull our troops out, and the deep state just had to keep them there to thwart his wishes? It sure sounds like that.

  3. Depleted Strategic Petroleum reserves, depleted arms sent to Ukraine and loss through the Afghanistan cowardly debacle.
    Limited manufacturing to replenish what was abandoned in Afghanistan and sent to Ukraine.
    Depleted US military forces by Biden’s forcing experienced Service members to leave due to Covid jabs were refused.
    Failure to meet recruiting numbers to fill positions in all Service branches.
    Having weak, incompetent, political, perfumed Princes in the Pentagon, led by incompetent Lloyd Austin and the Joint chiefs.

    Other than the above, we are dealing with inflation, economic downturn, HUGE Debt, high energy costs, no Oil production, limited manufacturing, tax increases, weaponized federal government and a CORRUPT and inept Presidency.

    Oh Yeah, FJB !

  4. They didn’t loose to Afghanistan, it was a gift to the Taliban for past or future assistance.
    The first interest rate hike added $500 MILLION to the national debt per month. It doesn’t control inflation, it just helps the banks/China make money.
    Really big cheat or end elections 2024.

  5. Corrupt fat government and wanna-be World Cop riding on the backs of US taxpayers who are leery of the whole damned shootin’ match.

    Syria, THE Ukraine, Afghanistan – what’s in it for us, the humble taxpayers?


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