Washington State Supreme Court breaks precedent, opens door for state income taxes – IOTW Report

Washington State Supreme Court breaks precedent, opens door for state income taxes

Washington Policy Center:

SEATTLE – The Washington State Supreme Court broke with nearly a century of precedent and allowed the income tax on capital gains to stand.  Previously, the clear language of the state constitution allowed only a uniform income tax capped at 1 percent.  In allowing the income tax on capital gains, the state high court has distorted the clear language of the state constitution which prohibits graduated taxes on anything subject to ownership, including income. 

“Today’s ruling is unreal. The State supreme court agreed with lawmakers that Washington has discovered the first standalone excise tax on capital gains income on the planet. Every other tax jurisdiction in the world, from the IRS, to every other state, to other countries will tell you the same thing – capital gains are income and taxes on them are income taxes,” explained Jason Mercier, Washington Policy Center’s Center for Government Reform Director.  “With this ruling, the rules surrounding income taxes in Washington are now unclear. What will be the next type of income tax to be redefined by lawmakers? It is up to the voters now to respond.” MORE

15 Comments on Washington State Supreme Court breaks precedent, opens door for state income taxes

  1. We will be seeing more and more taxes being levied on States that enjoyed low taxes. Californians moved to those States sealing the deal that taxes would increase due to their moving there and using more resources. My sister who moved to Texas is paying twice the amount of property taxes than I do here in California. Matters not I guess, you gotta live somewhere, but don’t expect it to be rosier. No one escapes taxes.

  2. This trend has been going on for a long time; municipalities (city, state, federal) find themselves short on funds, due to their own reckless profligate spending of course, and require new innovative ways of getting the cash. Traffic cams installed solely for the purposes of generating revenue, pets licenses, new construction taxes, sin taxes on junk food, and a continual revamping of our already regressive income tax code, they are crack whores without a conscience, fixated on picking our pockets.

    Only the reddest of the red states will fight for the individual and keep a rapacious government in check. The rest will put a target on your back.

  3. We have the Republican establishment to thank for this. The Bellevue Boys Club, who can’t even hold their own “safe seats” were just hunky dory with watching, if not facilitating, the daylight gubernatorial election theft of 2004. If anyone wants to point fingers at the responsible party, it they need look no further than Kemper Freeman and his merry band of assholes who will lie to your face about supporting what is important to the Republican base and then turn around and dry shave them each time the opportunity comes up. Particularly when the chips are down.

  4. Dino Rossi was hosed in the 2004 Wash. state governor’s election by Chris Gregoire and the lying, cheating democrap party. Everyone with an ounce of decency and sanity knows that. And now it’s far worse with Jay Pinheadslee our current ecoweenie, democrap governor. I agree with JDHasty wholehearted that it was the friggin RINO Bellevue Boys Club who sold us down the river so they could retain the status quo to maintain their power and control over the citizens of Wash. state. Outside of the Puget Sound area we here are largely forgotten in Eastern Wash. and neglected and are the bastard stepchild of Wash. state. The bastards in Olympia once again have cut off funding to finish the North/South freeway project and have further pushed out its completion for another decade or more for a freeway project that should’ve been completed by the early 70’s like East and West bound I-90 thru downtown Spokane was.

  5. I’ve come to despise this state. The will of the people means absolutely nothing. Time and time again those phony state Supreme Court justices have made up complete bullshit to shove more restrictions down our throats. This ruling is another example. To hell with them all.

  6. I used to go to Tom Stewart’s home for his annual Republican Picnic and the cocksuckers from Bellevue were always there lying their asses off. Tom finally had enough of the horse shit and moved his operation to Scottsdale.

  7. Thank the Lord we moved to North Idaho last November. Assault weapon bans, silencing dissent legislation, and now an income tax, all without a vote of the people.

    Inslee was beatable last time but the idiot GOP ran a fat little know-nothing small town cop no one ever heard of against him, Loren Whatshisnuts, who got his @ss beat giving Inslee a message he could do anything.

    On a windy Labor day 2020 the towns of Pine City and Malden in eastern WA were all but destroyed by a fire started by a grain combine. A day or two later Inslee shows up for the photo op. Does he bring the heartbroken residents an emergency declaration to help them rebuild (both communities were low-income)? Nope, he said they didn’t qualify. BUT he did bring them apples from his own backyard. Unfortunately they were infested with apple maggots. I kid you not. That’s what kinda human being he is.

  8. @ Dave Huff MARCH 29, 2023 AT 2:07 PM

    The end result of the gubernatorial theft of 2004 was what Kemper Freeman and the Bellevue Boy’s Club wanted, Constitutional conservatives quit participating in rigged elections. Now the worthless cocksuckers can’t even hold their previously “safe” seats and they are going to Democrats even though the areas are solidly conservative. It wasn’t the Pierce/King Democrat machine acting alone in the planning of the gubernatorial theft, the Republican establishment was in on it. The existing Seattle “conservative” radio station and newcomer were in on it as well. Michael Medved was giddy about it when he was off mic.

  9. Enemies of the People.
    Facilitators of theft and corruption.
    AND – more likely than not – enriched by theft and corruption.

    We sheeple bleat when sheared – but that ain’t nuthin compared to being cut up into lamb chops – which is next on the agenda (see: Arming Psychotic Perverts, for instance).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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