Green New Boondoggle: California’s Power Grid Needs $9 Billion to Go Green – IOTW Report

Green New Boondoggle: California’s Power Grid Needs $9 Billion to Go Green

WFB: California must spend a whopping $9.3 billion on power grid upgrades to support its transition to green energy, a policy push that has already brought soaring electricity prices to the Golden State.

The California Independent System Operator, a nonprofit that oversees the state’s electric grid, on Monday identified 46 projects the state must fund to complete its transition to solar and wind energy and support increased use of electric cars and home appliances. Those projects, which include new transmission lines and other grid upgrades, will cost billions of dollars and take years to build, the operator said.

Californians already pay some of the highest electricity bills in the nation, and Democratic governor Gavin Newsom’s “aggressive” approach to “accelerate the state’s transition to clean energy” will likely only increase those bills. Natural gas is cheaper than electricity, and California’s push toward electric cars and appliances have led to increased power demand that utility providers have struggled to manage. more

22 Comments on Green New Boondoggle: California’s Power Grid Needs $9 Billion to Go Green

  1. no worries, we just create it outta thin air, like all the other shit we create in this shithole of a state, thanks to gayboi newscum, what a fucking eeediot he is.

  2. This is just the beginning. The US has failed to learn from the failures of other nations’ green boondoggles and when the California scheme falls flat on its ass we won’t learn anything from that either. Expect other, grinning idiot states to follow suite.

  3. I’m wondering where he’s going to get the 75 Billion to give all the black people? That’s three times the states annual budget. Pretty pricey for a state that never owned slaves. A ship of fools.

  4. Central Maine Power has already announced, after more than doubling our rates in the past 2 yrs, that rates are going up at least another $10 per mo to pay for the solar panel farms.
    I bet it’s happening in more states than just CA and ME.
    It will never end until the climate cult is stopped.

  5. Is anyone else getting the sinking sensation that this all is just a bunch of blathering along as the whole construct slowly implodes upon itself? 22 billion deficit, 50 billion reparations, 10 billion for greenie power, how many billion for power transmission repairs, no mention of water cost/storage at all, or transportation improvements (repairs), free medical and education for illegals, jeez, we can go on… and that’s just Commiefornia, let’s do the nation next! Who gonna pay for all this pie in the sky? You? Me?(no)…

  6. Brad
    AT 12:46 PM
    ‘I’m wondering where he’s going to get the 75 Billion to give all the black people?’

    From YOU.

  7. $9 Billion is just the payoff to China.
    Chump change compared to the $800 Billion for California’s Reparations Plan.
    But just the working people have to pay, not the wealthy or corporations.
    How many future generations will it take to pay the bills?

  8. I’m rich, bitch, so I don’t care. The point is to drive YOU idiots back into Stone Age serfdom while telling you all this Captain Planet bullshit and laughing at the way you think we actually legitimately count votes.


    I will crush you under my Bruno Magli heel and use your bones as stepping stones to put my well-coifed head in the White House

  9. I think the biggest business in California is those persons and businesses who continually suck at the government’s teat. The high speed rail boondoggle. The billions spent on the homeless who still don’t have places to live. The education system that can’t seem to teach kids to read and write despite higher and higher budgets. And now electric infrastructure – $9.3 billion is probably just the down payment.

    We left California 6 years ago, and at the time our monthly electric bill was $400 – $500 (kids gone, wife and I worked, gas water heater, clothes dryer and kitchen stove, and we generally did not run any air conditioning). We moved to the midwest and our house had electric heat as well and electric everything else – the utility company rep warned us that our winter electric bill could run as much as $300 a month. Pfft…that was a bargain compared to California.

  10. “Brad
    AT 12:46 PM
    ‘I’m wondering where he’s going to get the 75 Billion to give all the black people?’

    From YOU.”

    Jokes on you pal, 98% of that money will come from the fed. He’s already in discussions with Biden about it. So actually, it coming from you.

  11. $800 Billion for California’s Reparations, what are the chances every CA politician will identify as “Black, former slave”?
    May as well throw in TRANS for a bonus.

  12. The reality of the situation is our energy sector is being decimated with purposeful, i.e. criminal intent. The WEF, BBB, Great Reset crowd can’t allow the proles to have cheap, reliable energy. Or cheap, reliable sources of food for that matter.


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