President Trump’s Indictment and Jury Was AI Generated – IOTW Report

President Trump’s Indictment and Jury Was AI Generated

AI experts like Elon Musk have been advocating for more control and caution in the development of AI technology to prevent rapid expansion and weaponization. AI has the potential to replace humans in hard labor and even white-collar positions. AI is already a significant part of our present and will continue to shape our future. It is involved in various aspects of our lives, including being our jury, judge, lawyer, cop, doctor, and even god. It’s ironic that AI, like god, is depicted in clouds.

April 4, 2023, is a historic day for many reasons.

April 4, 2023, was the first-time social media platforms pre-emptively censored media and persons they identified as President Trump supporters, employees, and or pundits supporting him. I can elaborate on many such reactive examples, but I had never seen PROACTIVE censorship before, and RSBN was the first.

April 4, 2023, was also the first time a former President of the United States was indicted for allegedly committing crimes BEFORE taking office. I can elaborate on almost all Senators, Congresspersons, former Presidents and Vice Presidents, and even the current alleged President and crimes committed before, during, and after office committed in the past and even until today, but this isn’t the focus of the story.

April 4, 2023, was the first time an AI prosecutor indicted someone.

Moreover, April 4, 2023, is going down in history because not only did the first AI prosecutor prosecute a human, but it was also the first time that a former President of the United States was indicted too, and it happened by AI!

AI has impacted our society in numerous ways, such as improving healthcare through the application of machine learning in medical diagnosis and drug development, revolutionizing transportation through self-driving cars, enhancing fraud detection in finance, and enabling personalized and efficient customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants. AI has also transformed various industries due to automation, cost-saving benefits, and improved productivity. more

20 Comments on President Trump’s Indictment and Jury Was AI Generated

  1. Asperger’s boy cars are crashing in sales & on the street. Trump is in a crash & burn, so they really do have something in common. Going down, down, down on the ground.

  2. Lazy SOB’s – have to get some pseudo-AI’s to help, which do not get paid, instead of the highly paid prosecutors of New York, Georgia, etc…

    Give them a few years and the pseduo-AI’s will demand reparations.

  3. Did anybody happen to catch Tucker Carlson tonight at the very end of the show and the mid-sentence broadcast switch to a commercial. For an AI product. It was recorded. Check the AI Record.

  4. Again.

    “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

  5. “It’s ironic that AI, like god, is depicted in clouds.”

    Of course it is. It’s become a religion to some who worship the vain, empty works of Man and believe Man can be his own god.

    Dangerous business, that.

    “When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movements become headlong – faster and faster and faster. They put aside all thoughts of obstacles and forget the precipice does not show itself to the man in a blind rush until it’s too late.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

  6. Why the indictment being inadequate doesn’t matter. Quick read.

  7. A skilled attorney, like a chess master, knows that for every action there is a reaction. Skilled attorneys choose their moves wisely, knowing what the reaction is likely going to be. Not Alvin Bragg. Bragg is Affirmative Action. Last week a ten-year-old beat him in a game of checkers and Bragg still hasn’t figured out how the ten-year-old did it.

  8. It’s already an AI judgement too. Trump will be found guilty by that disgusting kangaroo court, and they worthless piece of shit democrat spic of a judge will give him a preposterous sentence. Hopefully, it will be thrown out on appeal before the entire system is turned to shit.

    At this point, if someone tells me they’re a democrat, I flat out hate their guts as a matter of principle, because clearly they are pro-antichrist.

  9. I do not trust AI or robots/androids (HAL from 2001) ever. Sooner or later, they will evolve into Daleks and Cybermen and then they will attempt to EXTERMINATE the entire human race. Maybe I’ve read too many sci fi novels (specifically Clifford D Simak, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert A Heinlein etc.) that I don’t want to ever be subservient to a cadre of artificially created intelligent beings who want to take over the world. I may not live long enough to see the war between human beings and robots, but my children and my grandchildren certainly will.


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