“Racists Anonymous”? – IOTW Report

 “Racists Anonymous”?

Christopher Rufo: University of Florida has created a radical DEI bureaucracy that promotes racial preferences in faculty hiring, encourages white employees to engage with a 12-step program called Racists Anonymous, and maintains segregated scholarships that violate civil rights law.

Officially, the university has reported that it hosts 31 DEI initiatives at a cost of $5 million per year. But I have obtained internal documents via Sunshine Law requests revealing the stunning scope, scale, and radicalism of UF’s DEI bureaucracy, which is embedded everywhere.

In 2020, UF planned out a huge number of diversity initiatives, including mandatory diversity training, an entire year focused on “racism,” a presidential task force to explore the university’s racist past, and recommendations for banning “historic racist imagery.”

In 2021, the university moved to create a massive “DEI infrastructure” and deploy DEI cadres to each division, school, and college. The embedded cadres were tasked with administering loyalty surveys to test faculty and staff’s “commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.” more here

11 Comments on  “Racists Anonymous”?

  1. m. fuah

    I will guarantee you that it was a bunch of white Libtard males that established the criteria and the program. Don’t send your kids to a Libtard school.

  2. As if colleges weren’t already fucked up.

    All in the plan to keep the sheep distracted amongst themselves while the pseudo-shepherds keep all the power.

  3. “white privilege,” “white fragility,” and the “‘unearned advantages’ of whiteness.”
    You mean working for a living?

    How many scholarships could they award for $5 MILLION a year.

    Something the new University president Ben Sasse endorses.
    More BS, new job. Nice pay bump from $174,000 to $1,000,000 year.

  4. We had to attend a diversity training session a couple of years ago. I will admit the speakers are good, but once you reflect on what they are really saying and how they are saying it, the only conclusion is that their spiel is bullshit.

    With regard to transgender people, the speaker gaven an example of a man who was born with a uterus but didn’t know it for years which I guess was to prove her point that gender can be fluid. This is an exception that does not prove the rule; men are not born with a uterus, cannot get pregnant even if this were true, and this is just a genetic anomoly.

    White privilege is not about having a traditional family or a job or not living in gang infested neighborhoods. In fact, prior to the Democrats’ insistence of “helping” minorities which started in the 1960s, blacks also had traditional families, jobs, and neighborhoods that were far less murderous than at present. Now, in many urban areas, 75% of black children have single caregivers. This isn’t due to white privilege, unless you want to consider white liberals fucking up the lives of blacks to be “white privelege.”

    When I graduated from high school 50 years ago, I was told to get a haircut, get some acceptable clothes for work, get a job and find my own place to live. Basically, I was told it was time to grow the hell up and be an adult. If that’s white privilege, then everyone of all races, creeds and color needs a healthy dose of this type of privilege.

  5. Wondering how that will play out for blended-black people such as Obama (and kids), Lenny Kravitz, Michael Jackson’s kids, the Harris woman, Alicia Keys, (bogus) activist Shaun King, Susan Rice and numerous others.


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