Lefty White House Reporters Groan After Karine Jean-Pierre Absurdly Claims Joe Biden Takes More Questions Than Any Other President – IOTW Report

Lefty White House Reporters Groan After Karine Jean-Pierre Absurdly Claims Joe Biden Takes More Questions Than Any Other President

GP: Reporter on Biden not taking questions: “This is not the norm. The norm is we do get an opportunity to ask questions.” KJP: “It is also unprecedented that a president takes as many shouted questions as this president has.” Many reporters in the room tell her that’s not true.

15 Comments on Lefty White House Reporters Groan After Karine Jean-Pierre Absurdly Claims Joe Biden Takes More Questions Than Any Other President

  1. The journ-o-lists will trumpet her lies.
    They are as corrupt and disingenuous as she.
    Watch for AP and UPI headlines claiming that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper takes more questions than any other President, ever.

    And that he’s the greatest military/economic/physics genius to ever occupy the White Hut – mind like a steel trap – concentration of a laser bean.

    Goebbels had to threaten and cajole to make the press fall in line in ’33 – ’45 Germany – these clowns of ours are self-corrupting – not even remotely interested in facts, integrity, honesty, or any of that other bourgeoise bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The fact she’s not doing the only job she’s qualified for, sitting upside down in a damp corner as the first black lesbian mop, but instead Joe’s propaganda mouthpiece should tell reporters all they need to know. But noooo, they’re fascinated by a talking mop.


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