There Is A WHOLE Lot Of Crime In San Francisco – IOTW Report

There Is A WHOLE Lot Of Crime In San Francisco

To the surprise of NO ONE, Whole Foods Market is being forced to close down in San Francisco due to the rising crime only one year after opening. This is happening to big companies all across the major cities in the US. Let’s talk about it. – The Comments Section With Brett Cooper. 8mins.

13 Comments on There Is A WHOLE Lot Of Crime In San Francisco

  1. The sad part is if you go there on Google Maps:

    ht ps:// ,

    then consider the plight of all of those people who live above the used-to-be-a-Whole-Foodz.

  2. One outcome possibly from this is having to order online and picking it up after you pay for the food.
    The left ruins everything they touch. The bums hardest hit.

  3. The city is a cesspool.
    A diseased cesspool inhabited by diseased turds.
    A city of the damned where vicious psychopaths rule retarded psychopaths.

    “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair …”
    (and grease up your ass)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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