Brazil’s Lula: US must stop ‘encouraging war’ in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Brazil’s Lula: US must stop ‘encouraging war’ in Ukraine

RT: The Brazilian leader delivered the comments as he concluded a state visit to China.

The United States and its allies should focus on promoting peace instead of fueling the Ukraine conflict by arming Kiev, Brazilian President Lula da Silva said on Saturday as he concluded a state visit to China, his country’s primary trading partner.

“The United States needs to stop encouraging war and start talking about peace,” Lula told reporters in Beijing. “The European Union needs to start talking about peace.”

He added that, in doing so, world leaders might be able to “convince” both Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky that “peace is in the interest of the whole world.”

In contrast to many Western nations, neither Brazil nor China has imposed sanctions on Moscow following the onset of the conflict in Ukraine last year.

Prior to the trip, Lula, the left-wing leader who returned as Brazilian president after succeeding Jair Bolsonaro at the start of this year, had sought to position himself as part of a group that could mediate in the conflict. He did not, however, elaborate on the nature of any such talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping following their meeting on Friday. more

8 Comments on Brazil’s Lula: US must stop ‘encouraging war’ in Ukraine

  1. Luck with that. It’s not America, it’s those who must be down with the current thing are too fucking stupid to understand that The Party has set up a puppet government in the Ukraine that has been operating as their One Stop Money Laundering Shop and Corruption Clearinghouse and these weak minded followers are on the same level as the followers of Jim Jones and there is a critical mass of the morons who are going to never admit they are what they are.

  2. Im 81 and the Rooskies have been spreading the good news about Communism at the point of an AK-47 around the world all my life causing untold misery and death. Our defense budget is 850 billion a year. A third is due to the Chinese, a third Russia and a third for the Religion of Peace. So Russia invades Ukraine and is getting their asses kicked. We spend 100+ billion to help Ukraine kill Russians ..chump change and its money well spent.

  3. Every nation involved in the fighting in Ukraine is lying about what is going on and how we got to this sorry point. Every damned one.

    Lula is wrong about everything else, but he’s right about this.

  4. He calls what the US has done in Ukraine “encouraging”?

    What does he call the US statements that the war will end with the destruction of Putin’s regime?


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