No, Thanks. – IOTW Report

No, Thanks.

Coffee&Covid: Yesterday, in a significant stealth policy change, the FDA published all-new covid vaccination guidelines. In its online news release, the FDA said that the new rules are intended to “simplify” the “complicated” U.S. vaccination program, which currently requires two initial shots, any brand, then six-month boosters, any brand. That’s it.

Apparently the FDA now feels that is too complicated or something.

“At this stage of the pandemic, data support simplifying the use of the authorized mRNA bivalent COVID-19 vaccines and the agency believes that this approach will help encourage future vaccination,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

The over-funded, morbidly-obese health agency “simplified” the vaccine schedule by taking a single easy-to-remember rule and creating 23 separate rules with internal conditions. I am not making that up except I didn’t actually count all the new rules, because I got distracted during counting and had to start over twice. It could be more than 23.

There are now seven different groups of people that each have their own rule or rules, including: people who got one or more regular (not bivalent) vaccines; un-vaccinated kids and adults; un-vaccinated babies and toddlers; vaccinated babies and toddlers; people who got at least one of the new bivalent vaccines, EXCEPT: 65+ who had only one bivalent vaccine, and some types of immunocompromised who’ve gotten ANY of the bivalent vaccine, except for un-vaccinated babies and toddlers, who have a different rule.

Each of the groups has their own special guidance. I can’t wait to see the flowchart for this new “simplified” vaccine schedule.

Setting that initial lie aside, the FDA buried the really big news in the second group, about halfway down the long, “simplified” list of groups and rules, which covers the largest group of vaxxers. Here it is, in full:

Most individuals who have already received a single dose of the bivalent vaccine are not currently eligible for another dose. The FDA intends to make decisions about future vaccination after receiving recommendations on the fall strain composition at an FDA advisory committee in June.

See that? “Not currently eligible.” They’re cut off. The FDA just ended vaccinations for almost everyone following the regularly-scheduled jab programming. This holdout group of vaccine addicts, who are still lining up every four to six months to get their FREE booster shots, have all taken the bivalent vaccine by now. So the free part of the ride is over, baby! more

19 Comments on No, Thanks.

  1. By the way, have you noticed
    How many of the Masked Frauds work mostly in the Public Service Side of Life and I do not mean Food Services.
    Legal Offices, County, State and Federal Buildings.
    Non-Governmental Orgs
    You Know, Those Types

  2. I’ve got my own rules regarding the “Covid” injection: “Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed.”

  3. In the end, how much will the “FREE booster shots” cost us.
    Hospitals and Big Pharma will make $Billions, treating the symptoms from the JAB.
    My neighbor got the JAB, now she has an iron deficiency of unknown origin.

  4. Some liberal idiot in another neighborhood on NextDoor posted a photo from 1901-boasting the benefits of vaccines. It was just an excuse to brag about how many Covid shots he’s taken and to hate on Trump, MAGA neanderthals and FoxNews.

    Dude. Seriously?!?

    Yes, of course! Sixty seven comments in and all the libtards are pig piling the 3 or so people who haven’t drank the Kool Aid. Any reply to any comment about unvaxxed illegals swarming across the border is met with,”racists!”

    This area is lost. It’s full of dummies with no common sense.

  5. In other words you can take any of the pricks you like, they’re all poison.
    My niece just died last night at 7:30, strokes two months ago cancer a month ago couldn’t breathe two days ago, they put her on a ventilator she’s now gone.
    My brother has major cancer as on his last legs in ICU.
    my sister drop dead 2 months ago.
    My other brother has collapsing veins in his foot, they had to replace almost lost his foot.
    ALL fully vaccinated.
    Then they’re all the people at work that got vaccinated out of 50 only five of us didn’t take it. One has been in the hospital with two different blood infections for over a month and a half.
    Can it get worse, why yes I think it can.
    Ask me how I feel about these people doing it to us.

  6. Are you kidding me? After 3 years of torture, death, complications, and one horror story after another, take your vaccine and put it where the sun don’t shine. Trump will back your vaccine, give’em a call, he’d love to hear from you. He’ll give it another scary name.

  7. Let me try to “simplify” the rules. You have COVID, or you do not. You need to take the jab, or you do not. This is a pseudo problem, or it is not.

    Granted, I am not a bureaucrat, but it seems the answer is pretty simple. This is a type of the flu. You can take a shot (pseudo-vaccination), or not. If you want to virtual signal, go ahead and get something that is not proven and may have caused additional deaths. If not, go ahead and stick with “give me proof and not propaganda”

    OK, probably rambling, but bottome line, either believe Fauci and the gubmint, or not. You are in charge of your life. Do with it what you will. Do not force your beliefs on me. If I am wrong, then you won’t have to put up with me for long.

  8. Toenex AT 5:11 PM

    Catch up here mostly on the weekends and not sure if comments this late in the thread life will be seen by you…

    My body count is now up to four with two being family and two friends. One as late as last Monday. The saddest part is the limited number that see the cause/connection!

    It’s my belief the next year will see an increase and much higher amount of physical impairment if not body count.

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