“It’s a Settlement That Never Should Have Happened…Something Else Had to Have Been Involved.” – IOTW Report

“It’s a Settlement That Never Should Have Happened…Something Else Had to Have Been Involved.”

GP: The likelihood of FOX News winning a case with Dominion was better than 50% says Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz. 

Attorney and Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz was on Lindell TV last night with Brannon Howse to discuss the FOX News and Dominion settlement that was announced this week.

FOX News agreed to pay Dominion Voting Machines $787 million in a settlement.  This astronomical amount was shocking to all who read about it.

Dershowitz shared that the most shocking thing about this settlement is “that it happened”

It’s a settlement that should never have happened.  Dominion wasn’t hurt.  It really didn’t lose any money…  It’s probably making more in its lawsuits than counting votes.   And it would have been very hard for them to prove any damages.

Also, the judge made errror, after error, after error.  For example, he made a ‘finding’, a finding that the election was fair.  40 million Americans disagree with him.  That should have been left up to a jury not to him…. MORE

18 Comments on “It’s a Settlement That Never Should Have Happened…Something Else Had to Have Been Involved.”

  1. Lou Dobbs was all over Dominion when the first lawsuit started. He was strangely silent about his firing. I’d bet he knows a lot, but has been muzzled with an NDA.

  2. Fox just makes sure Dominion will encrypt their new system programs.
    Not one state, county, state or federal agency will be able to determine the “true” vote from this time forward.

    Fair Elections will be pre-determined to simplify and speed up reporting the results.
    The entitled establishment swamp will grow and thrive, thanks to FOX and Dominion.

  3. Occam’s Razor.
    The best of a bad situation.
    Alex Jones was hit with a billion dollar judgement.
    A jury could have come back with a FIVE BILLION DOLLAR judgment.
    Who trusts a jury these days anyway?
    They have made their own rules since OJ.
    Justice is now social justice.

    Anyway, those wishing that Fox News hadn’t settled would be blasting the fuck out of them next year for NOT settling.

  4. Once again, Fox News settling out of court took away a long, well publicized show-trial and final talking point the MSM & dems wanted so desperately:

    “Today a jury concluded that the 2020 election was fair & legitimate with Fox News proven to be the purveyor of false allegations that it had been stolen due to fraudulent voting machinery and unsubstantiated claims by former president Donald J. Trump”

  5. This is FOX news legitimizing the big cheat. All of FOX News management is pro swamp. 787 mil is a nice tax right off.
    Up next Newsmax where there CEO and founder is a HUGE Clinton foundation contributor.
    FOX News and Newsmax are nothing more than a business model. Report news with a conservative twist, make lots of money off the suckers who watch. That doesn’t mean their management necessarily believes in their product.

  6. They can’t stand discovery. This is a small lawsuit in the group against Fox centered on the election. I want to know what government, incorporated, promised Fox and or threatened them with. In the end Fox is likely completely intertwined with the deep state and… they can’t tolerate discovery… nor can the deep state.

  7. In an HONEST courtroom with an IMPARTIAL jury Fox would have almost certainly prevailed over Dominion. Problem is it is now nearly impossible to find an honest courtroom or an impartial jury.


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