Poll: 75% of Americans Think Economy Is Getting Worse – IOTW Report

Poll: 75% of Americans Think Economy Is Getting Worse

Breitbart: Americans’ confidence in President Joe Biden’s economy is declining, with 75 percent believing economic conditions are getting worse, according to the latest Gallup survey.

While 75 percent of Americans say the economy is worsening, only 19 percent say things are improving, and five percent say the economy is stagnant.

The percentage of Americans who believe economic conditions are getting worse has increased in recent months, up from 68 percent in February and 72 percent in March.

There is a drastic increase from two years ago, in April 2021, when more Americans believed the economy was improving than the 46 percent who thought things were worsening.

Compared to the same point in former President Donald Trump’s term, more Americans thought the economy was getting better rather than worse, with 49 percent seeing an improvement compared to 44 percent who saw a decline.

Only 15 percent of Americans rate Biden’s economy as good, while 47 percent rate economic conditions as poor. Gallup’s survey also found that 48 percent of Americans have almost no faith in Biden’s ability to do or recommend the right thing for the economy. MORE

13 Comments on Poll: 75% of Americans Think Economy Is Getting Worse

  1. I was at a drive-through restaurant last week and the manager was running both orders and the payment window. The line was very slow. When I got to the payment window I asked if they were short staffed, he said “down 4”. I said I thought these conditions might make us vote differently next time, and he said “I’m not going to”. Huh, guess he was a Democrat. I said “Well the current administration is responsible for this labor shortage because they’re paying people not to work and destroy the economy, so good luck with that. Keep voting that way if you want to keep doing this”

    Of course I said that after I got my food.


  2. 19% think it’s improving?
    That implies that there are some 68 Million imbeciles in this country.

    That’s a helluva lot of ghetto-rats, basement dwellers, and illegal-alien invading rat-people getting free money.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hard to imagine how 19% say the economy is improving unless they consider $7 eggs and a 100% increase in the cost of chicken an “improvement”

    I still see ~10% of people wearing a mask so I know the bottom is gonna be near 10%. But twice that?? I call bullshit, as usual, on these fucking polls.

    Adding insult to injury, WA’s “Climate Control” bill has added close to 15% to our utility bill since the first of the year and over .50 to a gallon of gas. Bastards.

  4. I keep seeing 30% over and over again for years. I figure those are the hare-core deadbeat parasites that democRATz feed, clothe and keep down on the plantation.

  5. It’s not just Americans that can see it. The entire world sees it too! There is only so much abuse the Dollar can take with wild spending and printing! Then the bottom falls out! We face a very dark future.

  6. The reason is because 25% work for the federal government and state governments. They have no issue they get raises and bonus bucks out of the working taxpayers pocket.

  7. Even the black scrape metal guy who serves our subdivision can’t get anyone to work for him. He told me it was because the government keeps paying people not to work.


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