Transgender surgery comes under scrutiny after study resurfaces about teen who died – IOTW Report

Transgender surgery comes under scrutiny after study resurfaces about teen who died

JTN: Transgender surgery for young adults is under renewed scrutiny after a newly resurfaced Dutch study documents that a transgender teenager died from complications after receiving a vaginoplasty.

The study focuses on an 18-year-old biological male whose puberty was blocked at a young age and who lacked enough penile tissue for a “neovagina” to be created.

The doctors used part of the patient’s colon, and within 24 hours of surgery, the previously healthy teen developed severe complications and later died. 

After describing the teen’s death, the researchers conclude in the 2016 study: “Although vaginal reconstruction has a positive influence on the quality of life in transgender women, physicians and patients need to be aware of serious complications that might arise.”

5 Comments on Transgender surgery comes under scrutiny after study resurfaces about teen who died

  1. I’m going to tell you straight up that we have Caleb Heimlich chairman of the WSRP and Kemper Freeman’s Bellevue Boys Club to thank for all of this nonsense. The Republican establishment, of which the above call the shots, had the opportunity to stop this shit cold when the Democrats in Olympia were busy setting up the template that has been used around the country.

    The duplicitous motherfuckers as well as the two “conservative” Seattle radio stations are as self serving as they come and have never given a flying fuck about anything the Republican base cares about and every time the chips have been down they have dry shaved us. Today the bastards have so alienated those who stand for something that they have simply opted out and don’t bother voting any longer.

    It was already underway, but the daylight theft of 2004 Washington gubernatorial election was the point at which they began the decline that has left them unable to even retain their previously “safe seats.”

    The Republican establishment owns this. There were principled Republicans from around the State who opposed the “transing” and sexual grooming of minor children the Democrats in Olympia were openly advocating for, and they were deliberately and systematically hamstrung by these fuckers, who are died in the wool progressives and not Constitutional conservatives in any way shape of form.

    They have never stood with the base on any of the “social issues,” and who in their right mind would expect them to? Just a cursory look at their wives and concubines exposes to the world that they are as married to radical progressivism as any Democrat.

  2. @JDHasty: True what you said above. Trump is their Savior, he’s working hard for them and the Republican’s have made great strides in the LGBT community. What is he working hard for the 98% straights? More Operation Warp Speed.

  3. I read elswhere that this tranny kid was 16, not 18. He died of necrotizing fasciitis. Who’d a thunk that cutting a hole in a person’s perineum and then lining the hole with a shit infested section of colon would result in a deadly bacterial infection? /s

    The doctors performing these surgeries should be arrested.


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