Sean Hannity caught in boycott riptide – IOTW Report

Sean Hannity caught in boycott riptide

JTN: The decision by Fox News to cut ties with Tucker Carlson has was a huge mistake. For years, Tucker has been a popular and outspoken voice for the forgotten-middle-class, and his firing (because we all know that’s what it was) has left many viewers feeling frustrated and furious.

And to make matters worse, this move comes at a time when Fox News was already on shaky ground with viewers over how they handled its coverage of the 2020 election and the aftermath. This latest decision to silence Tucker Carlson appears to be the straw that broke everyone’s back, and the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Ratings have plunged for the cable news giant. The consumer boycott of the network appears to heating up – so much so that it’s now dragging down Sean Hannity’s ratings, as well.

On Tuesday night, during the 8:00 pm hour Fox News only attracted 1.7 million viewers, down significantly from the numbers Tucker brought in. And take a look at Hannity’s ratings. He’s down approximately a million eyeballs. more

28 Comments on Sean Hannity caught in boycott riptide

  1. Hannity’s numbers down?

  2. They don’t care about the screw up the made, they figure they can recover. However, people come and go at Fox. Everyone is dispensable. If people like will keep the boycott up, it might work. Supposedly Tucker isn’t fired. Don’t know, lies abound.

  3. Add me to the large contingent of Hannity non-fans here. A loooooong time ago I would occasionally watch Hannity and Colmes because Colmes would not infrequently hand Hannity his ass (not that that’s very difficult with somebody as abysmally stupid as Sean H.).

  4. @Anonymous AT 1:12 PM:

    Supposedly Tucker isn’t fired. Don’t know, lies abound.

    Yeah, ain’t that the truth! I think I’ve now read at least half dozen “here’s what REALLY happened” or “here’s what’s REALLY going on” items as of now, so at least all but one and maybe ALL are replete with feces.

  5. The only talk radio I listen to now is Clay & Buck. If I miss an hour or two, so be it. During the tea party years, besides Rush of course, I would listen to Hannity and Mark Levin. I can’t stand either of them now. No one is “must see TV” anymore.

    I have a subscription to the Daily Wire and I watch Russell Brand occasionally and cruise around Twitter to get news bits. Even for national events(catastrophes or elections) I doubt the TV will be switch on to watch it live.

    Fox still has the 90+ yo demographic. My parents won’t turn them off no matter what.

  6. Tucker, his Firing was ordered by Rupert Murdoch himself. Think about it. If he quit he would of stated that in his Twitter video. Further more & this part is a guess on my part, Tucker was still given some sort of severance with the stipulation that if he lies about how he was terminated his serverance package would be nullified.

  7. Every time I see Larry King I’m surprised that he’s alive. I keep thinking that he died sometime in the 90’s. Soon I’ll be feeling the same way about Hannity. Before I retired I was a talk radio junkie. I used to listen to a lot of different shows but could never stand that sob.

  8. People tuned in to see Tucker and with nothing much on anyplace at 9 pm they would just keep Fox on and so Sean Vanity got the ratings crumbs from Tucker.
    No surprise his ratings are down.
    I imagine Greg Gutfeld’s are down too.
    Definitely Laura “I’m so full of myself” Ingraham’s.

  9. Hey P
    Remember that Time
    When you said you wanted to give out prizes
    And someone told you we aren’t 12 year olds

    Hannity is doing that now
    Throwing football fish to his seal team
    Kinda sad actually
    And, he doesn’t get it
    What it says
    That is why Hannity should not ever be one’s front man
    Know what I’m saying?

  10. Hannity was always only part of an ensemble of hosts and never sustainable as a stand-alone. Now I can’t bear the sound of his incessantly repetitive pseudo-conservative mantra. When HIS ass was on the line he stated, under oath, that “not for one second did he believe the 2020 election stolen from Trump”. Way to stand on principle Sean.


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