SpyFall vs ShadowFall – IOTW Report

SpyFall vs ShadowFall

Tore Says:
“Spyfall” is the term I have coined to describe a RICO operation that involves corrupt agencies and covert activities. The name is a play on the word “spy,” while also conveying the concept of a downfall or loss of reputation, which is appropriate for a corrupt government-led operation.

Within the intelligence community, information is like a mosaic, where every piece is guarded, as you never know which piece might be crucial for someone else. The reason for this utmost secrecy is the methods used, as once they are unraveled, the entire operation can be exposed, along with the identity of the “project managers.”

In early July 2022, insiders within the Intelligence Community informed me that the Department of Justice was preparing to conduct a raid on President Donald Trump. Despite skepticism from other journalists, I knew that my sources are reliable. However, by the end of July, I was surprised that the DOJ had not yet carried out the raid, given their alleged possession of a warrant. It wasn’t until August, during a visit to New York City to keep observe the actions of Leticia James’ office, that I learned of a crucial development: Mar-a-Lago had been raided while President Trump was in New York City. The timing of the operation was a significant factor.

In my investigation of the Mar-a-Lago raid, I pieced together information from various sources to uncover the method used, the unusual timing of the raid, and rumors of an operation planned by the Biden Transition team in December 2020. Despite my efforts, I was still missing a crucial piece of evidence that would connect all the dots. However, fortune smiled on me when a DHS-funded work order fell into my possession, and suddenly everything began to make sense. What had initially appeared coincidental turned out to be a well-planned cover-up. A wiretap had been installed, along with CCTV cameras whose footage is viewed daily by FBI agents in Florida and at a secretive facility in Fairfax, VA, dedicated to monitoring high-value targets. The timing of the operation was clearly strategic. MORE

2 Comments on SpyFall vs ShadowFall

  1. Boys, it’s over. All that’s left are the “details”.

    Texas, Florida, South Dakota and the like – they’re all going to secede, and it might happen sooner than you think, and by necessity if enough SHTF.


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