Media Publishers Could Charge Users Based on Article Clicks: Elon Musk – IOTW Report

Media Publishers Could Charge Users Based on Article Clicks: Elon Musk

NTD: Media publishers could charge users based on article clicks as soon as next month, Twitter Inc. CEO Elon Musk announced on Saturday.

“Rolling out next month, this platform will allow media publishers to charge users on a per article basis with one click,” the billionaire stated in a Twitter post.

The purpose of the new function is to provide a new option for readers who don’t have a monthly subscription to the media but still want to read an article from the media occasionally. Meanwhile, the media can benefit from this plan through some extra revenue.

It will be a “major win-win” for both media outlets and the public, Musk said.

Greg Autry, a professor at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University, applauded Twitter’s new move and said it may help the media get more subscribers. more here

11 Comments on Media Publishers Could Charge Users Based on Article Clicks: Elon Musk

  1. If it’s behind a paywall, even per article, I still won’t pay. There are many (most, actually) media outlets I am not willing to support under any circumstances. I have found that a simple search will give me the information I’m interested in somewhere else.

  2. Yeah, no. That means that once you give them your billing information, every time you casually click on a link that you see while reading something else you get billed? That is a reason to never ever buy even one article. Backfire.

  3. We have been to led believe that the position of Czar of Misinformation was scrapped since the public outcry.

    Yet, misinformation (propaganda) continues to appear from of the Executive Office of the President, The President’s black lesbian mouthpiece, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NIS, ATF, DOD, DHS, DOE, IRS, DOL, CDC, other agencies and the DNC. The propaganda is carried by the main stream media and the print medium.

    Most Americans have glanced and seen the revolving person behind the Curtain ordering the divisive, fake, propaganda/news.
    Who within the Biden Administration creates, directs, coordinates and decides which Office the propaganda is disseminated from?

    Are there payments to print and main stream media who willingly distribute the Government Propaganda or are funds hidden and provided by Corporations (through ad revenue) to hide the payment (DNC, super PACs, PFizer, Moderna, green energy, think tanks, etc.) Or is the print and main stream media “that Corrupt” and that “Willing” to blatantly LIE to the American people?

    Who is creating, directing, coordinating, distributing and pulling the strings of the deluge of divisive, destructive racist, Fake, propaganda generated by the Biden Administration?


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