late-night comedy shows shut down as Hollywood writers vote to strike for first time in 15 years – IOTW Report

late-night comedy shows shut down as Hollywood writers vote to strike for first time in 15 years

DMUK: The union representing 11,500 Hollywood writers announced it was going on strike as of midnight on Monday, meaning that some of America’s most popular late-night comedy shows will air reruns starting on Tuesday.

Stephen ColbertJimmy KimmelJimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers will all be off the air immediately. The strike, announced by the Writers Guild of America, marks the first time in 15 years that production teams have halted work.

The last strike lasted 100 days and cost Hollywood $2.1 billion.

During the 2007 strike, late-night hosts eventually returned to the air and improvised material. Jay Leno wrote his own monologues – a move that angered union leadership. 

A massive issue disgruntling Hollywood writers is the issue of streaming services – and how they have affected the economics of the business, causing people to make less money and working under more strained conditions. MORE

21 Comments on late-night comedy shows shut down as Hollywood writers vote to strike for first time in 15 years

  1. If the general quality of union scale writing is on display in those late night ‘comedy’ shows, the writers really ought to be thanking the deity that they have a writing job of any kind at any pay rate at all, rather than striking for more dough.

  2. Tucker says he will take over, he writes his own stuff so no worries.

    If a group of dumbasses is in a forest and there are no writers and no audience, are they just as inane and useless?

  3. You mean that stuff has been “professionally” written?

    Wow, Colbert and Kimmel haven’t been funny since 2005.

    At least Letterman was multitasking when he wrote ( get it, huh, know what I mean – Colbert probably hasn’t been laid since Joan Rivers died).

  4. I haven’t even watched a Gutfeld video on YouTube since Fox fired Tucker. If I had seen an indication that Gutfeld commented on the situation maybe I would have but since he hasn’t I haven’t watched him, either.

  5. James Corden – Fat Asshole
    Jimmy K – Crybaby
    Jimmy Fallon – Mental case
    Steven Colbert – The Worst

    I’m only 53, but the last one I liked was Carson. Letterman was not that funny to me & Jay Leno was WAY TO SAFE & Predictable.

  6. Comedy has been missing from the late night shows for decades.

    No kidding, these mediocre (at best) comedians don’t write their own material.
    Just like Biden, they just read their material off of cue cards or teleprompters. Paid Plagiarism !!

    Audiences follow the same deception cues, audience acting like canned laugh tracks and prompted when to clap, whoop and holler.

    Nothing but deception and second rate comedy.

    Even JEB told his audience when to clap.
    These late night slugs are more like JEB than they realize.

  7. Late night comedy is largely non-existent. With the exception of Leno it pretty much died off in the 80s. Now we have late night Politically Correct agenda lackeys!

  8. Late night comedy and really all comedy shit the bed when political correctness and then wokeness became a thing. College kids pretend to be open minded and all that; there is a reason comedians won’t visit college campuses anymore.

  9. Trump bad, Biden can’t be talked about, sexual deviation is normal and wonderful and mandatory, children can be aborted as well as mutilated in the name of “gender affirming care,” and Tucker Carlson is evil. There, I just wrote the script for the next year and one-half of late night “comedy.”

    You’re welcome – please tip the wait staff.


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