Iranian drones deployed by Russia in Ukraine are powered by stolen Western technology – IOTW Report

Iranian drones deployed by Russia in Ukraine are powered by stolen Western technology

Egypt Independent:

CNN  —  

New research has revealed the extent to which Iran has built a powerful weapons industry based on Western technology, and how that technology is being used by Russia against Ukrainian cities.

Conflict Armament Research (CAR), a UK-based organization which investigates weapons’ components, has established that the Shahed-136 drones sold to Russia by Iran are powered by an engine based on German technology – technology illicitly acquired by Iran almost 20 years ago.

The finding – made through detailed examination of components recovered in Ukraine and shared exclusively with CNN – underlines Iran’s ability to mimic and finesse military technology it has obtained illegitimately.

Western officials are also concerned that Russia may share Western-made weapons and equipment recovered on the Ukrainian battlefield with the Iranians. So far, there’s no firm evidence that has happened.

However, relations between Tehran and Moscow have grown much closer. Russia wants Iranian drones and ballistic missiles; Iran wants Russian investment and trade. Russia has become the largest foreign investor in Iran over the past year, according to Iranian officials. MORE

10 Comments on Iranian drones deployed by Russia in Ukraine are powered by stolen Western technology

  1. 100% of Ukrainian Air Defenses, Retirement Planning, Funeral Services and Vacation Travel Booking Fundings have been plundered and stolen through Banks of Americans help to lick up every last penny they can squeeze out of Poor American Poor Peoples.

    Thieves, Politicians and Banksturds of Amerikans.
    A New York to DC Media Production and Money Grubbing Scum Sucking City Scapes.

    Escape Today, Monday may be too late.

  2. ^^^^ Mark G AT 11:53 AM
    Is that the Drone Obama let them have????
    Never forget what all these traitors have done. The list of treasonous acts would fill an encyclopedia.and nobody does jack.

  3. 1st jet engines in the ussr were provided by the commie/labor party in the uk – a “sharing” practice continued by the drat-mofo-cliton administration in the us. arm the enemies of freedom, no problem.


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