Attorney: Evidence Confirms J6 Was An Organized Government Plot – IOTW Report

Attorney: Evidence Confirms J6 Was An Organized Government Plot

GP: Defense attorney Roger Roots, representing J6 political prisoner Dominic Pezzolla, was on “pins and needles” during a call with The Gateway Pundit Thursday morning as jurors reached a partial verdict on the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy trial.

Suspense suddenly morphed into shock, heartbreak and despair. An hour later, a full verdict was deliberated convicting Enrique Tarrio, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl and Ethan Nordean on three counts of conspiracy and every other felony leveled against them by the Department of Justice.

 “I mean look at Tarrio — Tarrio was not even in DC! Look at Pezolla, he had only been a Proud Boy for 30 days,” Roots lamented. “They convicted everyone on the breaking of the fence, including Tarrio — are you kidding me breaking the fence from 50 miles away?” MORE

11 Comments on Attorney: Evidence Confirms J6 Was An Organized Government Plot

  1. I shake my head in disbelief at people who won’t or can’t realize that the corner has been turned. Innocent people are being convicted and imprisoned for political purposes. Doing nothing wrong can get you put in prison if you are a threat to the government. The biggest threats to the elite are eliminated.

    The path before us will be one of despair and misery. Don’t hitch your survival on hope, base it in preparation.

  2. The silence of courts tells you it’s worst than we thought. No one gives a hoot, and is just letting it stand. I hope God is taking names.

  3. Where is the Supreme Court??? The whole lot of them should be speaking out publicly about the travesty of justice being carried out in DC and NY. WHAT COWARDS! Hiding behind procedure.
    And why don’t they get a backbone and charge the democrats with judicial interference or something? This has to be stopped and who better to stop it? Hold the dems and DOJ in contempt and throw them in jail. After all SCOTUS is the final arbiter whenever things are going the dems way.

  4. “And we fight. We fight like hell.” Then he’s a no show.
    But those were extremely calming words. Note: there is only one person, the Commander in Chief who could of ordered the National Guard that day, he alone & he needs no one’s permission to do so. He did not.


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