Ric Grenell: Pressure Republicans to investigate Hunter transparency  – IOTW Report

Ric Grenell: Pressure Republicans to investigate Hunter transparency 

Newsmax – On “Saturday Agenda,” former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell calls on House Republicans to investigate Hunter Biden transparency.

4 Comments on Ric Grenell: Pressure Republicans to investigate Hunter transparency 

  1. “…House Republicans can DEMAND transparency…” Yeah, right, like little toddlers kicking and screaming and holding their breath until they turn blue in the face. What a joke.

    It’s the uniparty, Ric. Most don’t want to, and those who do see what the ruling class have done and continue to do to DJT. Since they exchanged their balls and spine for the oath of office, they want no part of that.

  2. The Republican establishment have been and are doing the same things the Biden’s have been exposed doing. They have a vested interest in not doing Jack shit about anything whatsoever the Biden’s have been up to.

    That is the long and short of it. Anyone can come up with a whole panoply of other reasons, and while some may have some validity they shrink to insignificance compared to what I posted above


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