“Queen of Side-Chicks” – IOTW Report

“Queen of Side-Chicks”

ClownWorld Files– The only farce bigger than this hot mess is the Bergoglian Antipapacy.

23 Comments on “Queen of Side-Chicks”

  1. Princess Poon, The Lady of Lay and Her Raging Hormones herself, demands you commoners respect that she is now created Her Royal Heinie Queen Quickie Of the Vaginal Vault! Bow and scrape before the Consort of Cuddles and tremble before the awesome glory of the Lay of the Land!

  2. beachmom
    AT 5:33 PM
    “She reminds me of Doc Jill”

    Similar in homewrecking and ambitious harlotry, but she was working a surer thing that only had to not die to be “King”, and also has MUUUUCH better fashion sense.

    Or at least has a valet with better taste.

  3. So, is “Heralding Her Majestic Adulterousness” the author of the piece or just a drive-by word wizard?

    (Her friggin hat is too big and she has to hold it up with her bloody Royal Highness Hand! Oh, the Royal humiliation! WTF kind of Royal Hotel is that?!)

  4. The Tart of the Thames has charged us to celebrate the ascendancy of her debauchery to you lesser sorts! Kneel to the Contessa of Cooter, take in the the Royal Esthers of the Yeast of Yarmouth, know the terror of Our Lady of Lubricity Queen Camilla of the Condom!

  5. I didn’t think anyone could become actual “Queen” who wasn’t of “Royal Blood”. Best they could be is recognized as a “Royal Consort”.

  6. Is it me or is there a stunning resemblance between her and Dorkter Jill? They are both side pieces that adulterated their way to power.

    I will give the Queen credit, she at least doesn’t wear curtains, sofa covers, and comforters….

  7. I’m a better queen than she is!

    Certainly sucked more dicks and had more dicks up my ass than she ever did.
    I should be Chuckie’s sidekick.

  8. How did Diana hook up with Chuck in the first place? Chuck and Camilla were playmates prior to Diana coming on the scene as I understood the story.

  9. Don’t Care.

    Dianna: Gold Digger, Air Head, Vain etc.

    Y-tube 3 min Video: The Truth About Princess Dianna by Christopher Hitchins

    They are all INBRED ASSHOLES.

    Chuck looked FRAIL & WEAK & could barely hold himself up with all the shit he was wearing.

    If the 2 get along better that their original spouses – good on them.

  10. Harry’s Real DAD?

    Google a pic of JAMES HEWITT.
    He plowed Diana in the stables etc. REGULARLY


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