Cartel Presence Has a Terrifying and Direct Correlation to Election Corruption – IOTW Report

Cartel Presence Has a Terrifying and Direct Correlation to Election Corruption

Seth Keshel Subtack: Last week, I released a no-frills article detailing the cartel threat to the United States.  Americans are fed lies by the mainstream media intended to turn their heads away from the fact that some of the evilest people in the history of the earth enjoy nearly unfettered access to our soil.  As such, our “useful idiots” remain content to relinquish our national sovereignty because they think inaction on the border allows desperately needy people to seek and find refuge here, as our own citizenry drowns, with no further harm being done.

Colonel Jack Pryor’s map pinpoints 153 American cities reporting “Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations” embedded within.  That map is pictured below, along with a detailed depiction of cartel routes and staging cities.

I unraveled the map further at the recommendation of one of our many dedicated election integrity enthusiasts, Oklahoma’s Wendi Dial.  First, I did some basic data organization and found that these 153 cities are contained in 143 separate counties, with at least one cartel group accounted for in 41 out of 48 states in the continental United States.  Only Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming lack established cartel cells, according to Col. Pryor’s research.

I plotted the approximate cartel locations in their respective counties, and the results were staggering.  The incredible correlation between cartel presence and major election fraud is shown below: