NV Dems Advance Gun Control Legislation – IOTW Report

NV Dems Advance Gun Control Legislation

Last minute, partisan legislation causes Republican legislators to sound constitutional alarms

NV Globe:
This morning, Senate Bill 171, sponsored by Senators Dallas HarrisPat Spearman and Fabian Doñate passed out of the Assembly Committee on Judiciary along party lines. The bill prohibits gun purchases, ownership, or possession by a person convicted of a misdemeanor for a hate crime, or attempting to commit a hate crime. Referencing NRS 207.185, the bill would also prohibit a person from gun purchases, ownership, or possession if the person was convicted of unlawful assembly

According to the bill’s language:

Senate Bill 171 prohibits a person from purchasing, owning, or having possession, control, or custody of a firearm if the person has been convicted in the immediately preceding ten years of committing or attempting to commit an offense that is a gross misdemeanor constituting a hate crime under Nevada law or a similar offense under federal, other state, territory, or district law. The same prohibitions on firearms apply if the person has been convicted of committing or attempting to commit certain violent offenses that constitute a hate crime. The provisions of the bill do not apply to a person who was convicted of any of these offenses prior to July 1, 2023, and who owns, possesses, or has under his or her custody or control a firearm that he or she legally owned before that date.

Numerous volunteers from Michael Bloomberg’s nonprofit “Moms Demand Action” spoke in support of this legislation.  more

17 Comments on NV Dems Advance Gun Control Legislation

  1. “…constituting a hate crime…”

    So no Black person will ever be denied and every White person will be, because Communists say Black people are not capable of hate crimes and being White IS a hate crime.

  2. And just Who gets to interpret a hate crime or unlawful assembly crimes which they know they can change the definition at the drop of a hat.
    Disrespecting a rainbow flag is already a crime some places, but American flag, not so much.
    No thanks.

  3. Commoncents, the no comments is likely on purpose to keep arguments & disagreements down.
    It’s a 96 page bill that contains a lot of good election integrity reinforcements.

    BTW, DeSantis will make a fantastic president someday.

  4. Meanwhile, despite the consistent effort to criminalize gun ownership all across the USA, access is better than in any recent history. And color- and gender-blind too!
    Not that we should ever be anything but vigilant.

  5. Most of the residents of NV,with the exception of Vegas, despise their state government and consider it as corrupt as DC. They are being much too kind in my opinion.

  6. Interrupted a mouthy liberal anti-gun bitch who was screaming about confiscating guns. “Right after the government takes away your food because I’m fat.” Took about 20 seconds before she blinked.

  7. @Cmn¢¢guy
    AT 9:49 AM
    “No comment section for:
    Why Does Florida Senate Bill 7050 Subvert Public Election Transparency?
    How to elect a RINO for President”

    It contains this little nugget in an attempt to get DeSantis to sign it. Let’s see what he does:

    “SB7050 contains a clause that allows Gov. DeSantis to run for President while remaining Governor.”

    Time to show his integrity.

  8. Tony R, the same thing was done for Charlie Crist & Rick Scott.
    Nothing new to see here.
    Nearly every single state allows for their governor to run for higher office.
    Allows for a better pool of candidates.
    Or is a coronation & shenanigans the only way your guy can win?
    I say let the best man win, but hey fuck America, fuck the founders…

  9. Meanwhile they have felons passing out AR-15s from the trunk of a Tesla in Washington State and not even charged. Happened in the Seattle in the autonomous zone.

  10. LocoBlancoSaltine
    AT 1:32 PM:

    There’s plenty of other things wrong with SB7050, but you can’t admit it because your guy might sign it. Did you bother to read the article? My only point was that they included the provision to allow DeSantis to run, as an incentive for him to sign it.

  11. No Tony R, I did not read the article.
    I read the actual bill.
    The article is written by a biased individual with an agenda.
    Read the bill.
    It’s long, most of it is about firming up existing voting boilerplate.
    Registration, including third-party reg requirements, ballots, mail-in ballots, eligibility, ID, voter rolls, absentee, signature, reporting results, voter fraud, electioneering, candidate eligibility, presidential electors requirements, etc.

    BTW, Ron DeSantis was ALWAYS allowed to run for president or VP and maintain his position as governor.
    The Bill expressly states “The amendments made to s. 99.012, Florida
    Statutes, by this act are intended to clarify existing law.”

    The law was always interstate offices and not for national office.
    It was ambiguous, hence the common misinterpretation.
    This is on page 48 of the 96 page bill.
    Including the clarification in this bill makes all the sense in the world.

    I’m not here to argue, score points, or change anyone’s mind on who to vote for.
    I simply want people to understand the facts.

Comments are closed.