Woman Says She Was Bitten By Elephant While Vacationing In Bali – IOTW Report

Woman Says She Was Bitten By Elephant While Vacationing In Bali

“It was a vacation that I was dreaming about, and it did come to a screaming halt at the very end,” Beth said.

15 Comments on Woman Says She Was Bitten By Elephant While Vacationing In Bali

  1. A moose once bit my sister…

    No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: “The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink”…

    Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti… 🙂

  2. Being a chick, she was likely oblivious to numerous signs the animal was giving that it didn’t want her touching it, but she was too into her narcissistic dream vacation fantasy to bother paying attention to reality. Just like those news whimmen who get clawed up when they try to use shelter cats as a prop on TV and try to hold onto them way past the point the cat was pissed off by the situation.

  3. My sister was running her pie hole and not paying attention at one of those roadside zoos that were around in the 1960’s. Monkey reaches out through the cage and grabs her by the hair and braces his feet against the cage and jerks her head up to the bars. Everyone is standing around calling for help while the bastard is trying bite her in the head. I ran over and grabbed her head and yanked it free. She had a couple bald patches, but other than that was good as new in a few days. I never have understood people who can’t for the life of them pay attention. I would have gladly taken a bull whip or billy club and went in and taught the nasty little son of a bitch a lesson in proper roadside zoo etiquette, but my offer was rejected. I’ve never cared for monkeys in the first place.

  4. Well, it is more unusual than the classice “Man Bites Dog” story.

    So, a happy ending? Probably not. Something learned? Probably not by the woman.

  5. She’s lucky she didn’t get it madder than that.

    You get one REAL upset, it will simply knock you down, put its forehead on your chest, and kneel down until you are dead.


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