The Real Reason Why the U.S. is Trying to Control the Elections in Turkey this Week – IOTW Report

The Real Reason Why the U.S. is Trying to Control the Elections in Turkey this Week


Yesterday, (May 7, 2023), there was a rally of reportedly 1.7 million people at Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport showing support for Turkey’s current president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ahead of national elections this coming Sunday, May 14th.

On Saturday, (May 6, 2023), Erdoğan’s opponent for president in the national elections, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, also held a rally in Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, but I have been unable to find any published reports about how large the crowds were, although some of the foreign English media have reported that the crowds were in “the thousands” or “tens of thousands.”

The media here in the U.S., however, in both the corporate media and the alternative media, are reporting that President Erdoğan is either losing or in a close race with Kiliçdaroglu, as they characterize Erdoğan as losing support in an election that “really matters.”

Why do they say that this election “really matters”?

They use the same old excuse they always use when the U.S. has an interest in interfering with elections in other countries where they do not like the outcome: “democracy is at stake.” MORE

18 Comments on The Real Reason Why the U.S. is Trying to Control the Elections in Turkey this Week

  1. The US globalist machine thinks every election matters and rigging and outcoming the results are now required to maintain their demonic strangle hold on everybody everywhere.

  2. They’ve polished their election thief to a fine art. What’s to stop them from using their talent in America???? Nothing. Wake up America.

  3. Hey Turkey it’s an “International Rules-Based Order”, and we make and break those rules as we see fit. And remember, the only democracy you are allowed to have is “Our Democracy”.

    I sure hope Turkey doesn’t have universal mail-in ballots or Dominion.

    Washington, DC finds new ways to disgust me on a daily basis.

  4. …and what interest do I have if anyone involved is guest of honor at a targeted assassination party? The notion that they are acting in the interest of the American people is preposterous at this point. They serve The Party’s interest and The Party’s interests are more likely than not antithetical to the American people’s interest on all fronts.

  5. The very second “The News” reports anything other than the unvarnished truth, or is supporting a narrative, they are no longer deserving of any respect on any level. Once they become propagandists they are engaging in one side of a political struggle that is or has high likelihood of becoming, a civil war and the other side has every right to consider them “enemy combatants.” Let the chips fall where they may.

  6. The article definitely is among the things that make you go “Hmmmm.” Not that I follow current Turkey, for the same reason I don’t follow India. Culturally they don’t fit. Will this result in “Trexit” from NATO?

  7. Article says Greece is now friendly to Turkey (because of Ertegun). Not hardly.

    Globalists in Greek government acting as useful idiots for NATO, EU and the US may be friendly, but the nation is pissed at their government and would throw Ertegun in a woodchipper for turning the historic gem Agia Sophia back into a mosque, against all “rules” re World Heritage sites and against promises he made in the past.

    Repeatedly violating both air space and sea boundaries, and playing both sides in all regional issues is never friendly.

  8. Turkey is no different than in the hundreds of years of the Pashas running things. Only difference is there is no Sultan, just the CIA and US State Dept operating as soldiers for the global MIC whose boundless greed has no soul.

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