Washington: ‘Hippie’ city moves to ban hard drugs after 5-year-old dies from fentanyl poisoning – IOTW Report

Washington: ‘Hippie’ city moves to ban hard drugs after 5-year-old dies from fentanyl poisoning


The “most hippie” city in Washington state has now moved to ban using hard drugs in public after statewide decriminalization has led to a dramatic spike in overdose deaths, including the death of a 5-year-old girl.

On March 8, Melissa Ann Welch, 35, called police to report that her 5-year-old daughter, Olivia R. Doane, had died. When cops arrived at her home in Ferndale, Washington, they found little Olivia dead and her mouth covered in foam, leading them to suspect the child died of a drug overdose or poisoning. An autopsy report later confirmed that she died of acute fentanyl intoxication. Footage from a surveillance camera revealed that Olivia appeared “happy and healthy” on March 7, just one day before she died, which indicated to investigators that she must have ingested the fentanyl sometime that night.

Police almost immediately arrested Welch; the girl’s father, 33-year-old Michael Wayne Doane; and Welch’s current boyfriend, 32-year-old Cody Curtis Craig. They have all been charged with first-degree murder with an aggravating factor, meaning that the defendants allegedly either knew or should have known that the child was in danger. MORE

17 Comments on Washington: ‘Hippie’ city moves to ban hard drugs after 5-year-old dies from fentanyl poisoning

  1. “On March 8, Melissa Ann Welch, 35, called police to report that her 5-year-old daughter, Olivia R. Doane, had died.”


    I SURELY do hope this isn’t verbatim from the 911 call.


    …I’ve BEEN on dead baby calls. Parents, NORMAL parents, are FUCKING HYSTERICAL! It was in our damn PROTOCOLS that we HAD to perform CPR on OBVIOUSLY dead SIDS babies JUST SO THE PARENTS DIDN’T GO APE SHIT WITH GUILT AND ANGER AND LOSS for SIDS babies!

    SIDS is “Sudden Infant DEATH Syndrome”. This means the baby is DEAD and has been in some cases for HOURS, but we STILL had to do everything to satisfy the parents…and OURSELVES…that everything possible was done.

    I had one where a Mom held her unrestrained baby in her unseatbelted lap in a car that had a high-speed accident. The baby made a DANDY airbag for Mom, Mom was FINE because the force was absorbed by her body crushing her baby with so much force that she broke its fucking pelvis and some ribs while forcing it to extrude internal organs into its diaper.

    This kid was DEAD DEAD DEAD. But Mom was FREAKED FREAKED FREAKED. We HAD to initiate CPR on this destroyed infant body which just squeezed out more internals and blood, and do this futulity all the way to the hospital with Mom screaming like a ruptured duck till they could get a doc to pronounce with security and a brainpeeper present to be able to say all that could be done was dkne and to keepher from offing herself when it was broke to her.

    Such is parental greif. You’re SUPPOSED to freak out overyour WHOLE WORLD bejng destroyed wirh the death ofyour child.

    If these people were THAT calm and phrased it THAT way, that’s some drugged-up psychopaths right THERE, take em out back and fucking shoot them because thars too damn dangerous to let live.

    Id best stop right there. Not even gonna get into the drug part of it.

    Someome needs to send fuckers like this straight to hell, by the speediest way possiblr.

  2. “We are fairly affluent, but there was still nothing we could do to save our son because the system worked against him,” added Laurie Satushek, Mick’s mom.

    It is that way with every thing in Washington State. Take a look at this https://news.yahoo.com/dozens-complained-tacoma-homeless-encampment-120000416.html

    In this case in Tacoma I have gone on record asking which of the local elected and appointed officials are being bought off by the cartels that are running these “homeless camps” that are transparent fronts for sex and drug trafficking mini malls. It s well recognized as a stone cold natural fact that an integral part of business model the Mexican cartels rely on is paying off local officials everywhere and anywhere they are operating. It is obvious that the Governor could shut down and clear this one that is set up and has taken over a park & ride right next to a huge apartment complex full of children. Anyone who actually believes that Washington State officials are not profiting from them existing is naïve in the extreme.

  3. The white left are the only thing that makes white genocide seem almost acceptable. I’m so sick and tired of the white left. They are completely psychotic, arrogant, midwit fucktards who will believe literally any stupid thing imaginable provided it’s told to them be some presumptive authority figure. They are incapable of reason nor independent thought but are still absolutely certain that they are the smartest and most enlightened person in any room.

  4. We have long ago coworker friends who’ve sent their three sons to Western WA University in B’ham. Each kid departs for college looking clean cut and fairly normal. After a year there they return with shaggy multi colored hair, looking like they need a shower and are pondering becoming trans. They all play guitar and each started a head banging metal band where noise is the music.

    Two of the sons have graduated. The oldest is still sporting the unkempt wayward look and is looking for a goal in life. The middle kid snapped out of it and is back to normal. The youngest is a sophomore and is in deep with it all. Worse than the previous two. I’d be worried if I was his parent.

    But these parents aren’t. They are very far left progressives. It’s all good with them.

    I’m really surprised B’ham took this step to ban drugs. Sounds too good to be true! I’ll be waiting for the protests about it.

  5. @ SNS AT 3:25 PM

    Progs don’t give a flying fuck about children when they aren’t using them as props. Even their own offspring. That should be apparent in their incessant pushing of their “trans” agenda on children. They are hardwired to destroy lives. It’s what motivated the fucking subhuman pieces of shit. They envy and resent anyone who isn’t mired in the miserable pathetic life of failure they have saddled themselves with. INCLUDING THEIR OWN OFFSPRING and I mean that literally and universally. If it were not an absolute, none of them would continue to vote for any Democrat politician and that includes any who claim that they are not fully aware of what the Democrats support. No one can be so clueless any longer. They are out and proud Satanists and totally given over to the dark side.

  6. @jdhasty I see so many families (old neighbors or former co workers) locally via FB whose kids have gone down the trans road or have become gender fluid or have come out as gay. It’s like switch was flipped. School and the politics and culture here in western WA is a terrible influence-and worse when their parents embrace everything about it.

    This same effect hasn’t happened to other friends in less progressive areas of the country.

  7. @ Illustr8r AT 4:18 PM

    It is all but ubiquitous in metropolitan western Washington. The Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, schools, every Goddamned Starbucks, Nordstrom, an particularly the Girl Scouts are pushing it.

    The State is doing it’s best to push it out into the suburbs and rural areas throughout the State.

  8. I guess the invisible threshold for Progressives is 5 years old since 8, 9, and up seem to be dying off as well!

    JDHasty – Yer right when it comes to Progs not giving a flying fuck about children when they aren’t using them as props … either alive or dead, but they just may be smart enough to know when to head off the outrage. The fukkin bastards sure love to stand on the bodies of dead kids when there is a massacre!!

  9. SNL @ 3.25pm

    Your comments on occasions like this really cut to the bone. You ache and the way you write makes me ache with you. G-d bless you SNS, don’t ever change.

  10. Mrs radiomattm
    AT 7:57 PM

    Thanks. It was a long time ago, mostly, and those ghost have long since been put to bed.

    But as I get older and things like this come up, it seems like not all of them want to stay there.

    I belong to a different time apparently and the way folks act now makes no sense to me at all.

    Maybe its me. Maybe I’m just old.

    But many of you seem to see it that way as well.

    And for that at least I am grateful.

    G_d Bless,

  11. SNS:

    “I belong to a different time apparently and the way folks act now makes no sense to me at all.

    Maybe its me. Maybe I’m just old.”

    I’m older, it’s not just you.

  12. The real shame is when their little forays into social engineering causes innocents to die.
    Of course, to leftists, life is cheap and lives are just the cost of doing business.


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