Armenia-Azerbaijan clashes threaten to derail peace talks – IOTW Report

Armenia-Azerbaijan clashes threaten to derail peace talks

Yerevan (AFP) – Armenia and Azerbaijan on Thursday blamed each other for an exchange of fire along their restive border, which killed one person and wounded four days ahead of EU-hosted peace talks.

The Caucasus neighbours have been locked in a decades-long territorial dispute over the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, which has reignited in recent months.

Russia urged the sides to de-escalate tensions after the fatal exchange of fire, but its influence as a power broker in the region has waned since it launched its invasion of Ukraine last year.

Armenia initially said four of its soldiers had been wounded by incoming fire in an eastern region of the ex-Soviet country.

“Azerbaijani forces are shooting artillery and mortars at Armenian positions in the Sotk region” the Armenia’s defence ministry said.

Baku meanwhile accused Armenia of a “provocation” that had left one of its soldiers dead.

It said Armenian soldiers had “once again violated the ceasefire agreement” with “large-calibre weapons,” referring to an accord from November 2020 that ended six weeks of hostilities.

In Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Thursday: “We expect a restrained approach from the parties and urge them not to take any actions that could lead to an increase in tensions.” read more

4 Comments on Armenia-Azerbaijan clashes threaten to derail peace talks

  1. The Biden crime family are probably discussing how to take advantage of this and bilk the taxpayers for “assistance” to one of the countries and take a cut for The Big Guy.

  2. Reminder: Joe Biden who claims to support the first Christian country in history, Armenia, and pretended to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, hosted fund raisers with Turkish and Azerbaijani donors during the Obama/Biden re-election campaign.

    Also given that Azerbaijan is an oil rich country run by a lunatic dictator with his corrupt family controlling everything, it would not surprise me if Hunter is connected to that too.

    Trump actually managed to convince both countries to sit down and talk, managed to get them to agree to stop hostilities. Then Biden was elected and did nothing. The temporary deal collapsed. As a result, there are now over 130,000 Christian Armenians under siege in their own land in Artsakh that Azerbaijan says it is theirs, and closed the only road that connects it to Armenia pretending to do that for “environmental reasons” (sounds familiar?) and that has blocked transferring food and medicine, and people are dying in hospitaks due to lack of medicine and medical supplies.

    The supposedly Armenia supporting democrats and Joe Biden still do nothing except for speeches. Not even pressuring the out of control Azerbaijani regime to stop its abuse of human rights.

  3. If there’s a way to make bank out of death and destruction, you can bet your bottom dollar (actually, you’re not betting it, they’re extorting it) that Biden, et al, and the WEF are in on it.

    “When elephants fight; it’s the grass that suffers.”
    (Ethiopian wisdom)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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