President Trump historic townhall on CNN – IOTW Report

President Trump historic townhall on CNN

This first highlight is a doozy:
See Also: Jake Tapper crying. AOC seething. Trump is rockstar.

16 Comments on President Trump historic townhall on CNN

  1. The panel afterwards was priceless.
    Their morose faces gave me a thrill.
    It was like election night in 2016.

    Also, it seems CNN thinks black women must make up 50% of the population since they had half dozen on their panel…

  2. A few observations;

    I noticed the clear contrast between mumbling stumbling Joe The Gaffe Machine and Trump’s delivery. He talked for an hour straight, no mispronounced words, stuttering, blank stares into space, shaking hands with imaginary people, and no looking to his aides standing on the periphery to bail him out. He was dynamic, concise, passionate, precise, and electrifying in his delivery., Even the inkling of a perception that he is getting old, slowing down, or losing a step was smacked upside the head.

    I also like that he threw the moderator a bone in calling her a nasty woman. This was done as a courtesy so that she could still walk the CNN halls.

    It also got me to do something I haven’t done in 20-plus years. Not since Ted Turner ran the show over there have I tuned in to CNN.

  3. Rich, Trump called her a “nasty person” not woman.
    This was a good move, person not woman.
    Keeps the “see, he’s a misogynist” to a minimum.

  4. Some other things I liked;

    Calling that affirmative action hire who MURDERED” Ashli a thug.
    Acknowledging that some of those J6 participants did break the law and do deserve to go to jail.
    The genuine connection with his supporters asking the questions. They believe in him, he knows it, takes the bond to heart, and is willing to fight for them.

    And Loco, thanks for the correction, that’s what I get for listening to that dope Tapper before I wrote my comment.

  5. If no on uses DOMINION Don wins big!
    But leftists like Kemp and Gruesome will fight to have DOMINION fabricate the votes!
    If only Ga and Ca use DOMINION Don still wins a close election.

    AS GWB’s hero said 100 years ago, “Its not who votes that counts. … IT WHO COUNTS THE VOTES!”!
    Bush learned well from “Uncle Joe”!

  6. Fucked with Top G and found out. These motherfuckers found out Trump is still Top Gangster and why. They also are well aware that when he is on his game he’s unstoppable. The hell of it is, he is coming off a rest and just getting warmed up.


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