NATO accused of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, which risks turning into World War 3 – IOTW Report

NATO accused of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, which risks turning into World War 3

The Duran

In Greece, at an international round table, NATO was accused of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, which risks turning into World War 3.

In the capital of Greece, Athens, a round table was held dedicated to the anniversary of the defeat of fascism in Europe, at which the current threats of inciting the 3rd World War, as well as the aggressive policy of NATO, were discussed.

The round table brought together a large number of influential participants. Former Minister of Industrial Reconstruction Panagiotis Lafazanis, International Economics Analyst Dionysios Flamiatios, University of Texas Professor Nikos Markatos, Electronics Engineer Alfonso Pagas, Politician Amyralis Eleferios, Anti-War Activist Stephos Yiannis, Lawyers Union Representative Konstantakis Aris, Poet and Greek Art Union Representative Stafakos Nikos, Director of the Athens Dostoevsky Institute, Doctor of History Andres Zafiris, Space 2510 administrator Eleftheria Kareli, Russian-Ukrainian journalist Pavel Kukharkin and other representatives of the Greek press and public took part in the meeting.

Those present discussed the current state of relations between Greece and NATO and the possibility of a new big war in Europe and, as a result, its escalation into a world war. The speakers focused on the dangers posed by the modern period. read more

10 Comments on NATO accused of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, which risks turning into World War 3

  1. Well, DUH!
    The obvious is startling?
    Didn’t Eisenhower warn about the Military/Industrial Complex about 60 years ago?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Those present came to the conclusion that the current NATO policy is not just aimed at inciting war, but is an attempt to solve their geopolitical problems by involving third countries, especially those economically dependent on Washington, in the Ukrainian conflict.

    Wise People

  3. WEF, BBB, Guidestoners or whatever you want to call them….want a cull down to 500 million….

    They don’t care how it’s done….
    but they aim to have a irrevocable ringside ticket.

  4. ^^^^Charlie WalksonWater AT 6:52 PM Yep when a politician gets in trouble they just start a war and kill the people off on both sides. And then the loons praise them as great leaders. Didn’t Bill Clinton attack Iraq days before being accused of high crimes and misdemeanors? And get us into the Serbian/ Sarajevo conflict to cover his ass?

  5. NATO’s become nothing more than a money laundering operation for the democrat party and the GOPe. NATO armies are paper tigers. But their government leaders are often pedophiles (Prince Andrew and the like). Great, isn’t it?

  6. Difficult to grasp the concept of a group of adults meeting to seriously discuss war and peace. It just seems so last millennium, so pre-postmodern, so human- centric. Weird.

  7. Odd but comforting to oppose engaging in wars of choice and not have to make any kind of common cause with the… eesh, leftist fa-reeks with whom we’re still so painfully infested.

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