Report: Dark money GOP organizations spending money against Republican candidates – IOTW Report

Report: Dark money GOP organizations spending money against Republican candidates

Citizens Defending Freedom:
DUVAL COUNTY, Fla. — Duval County Citizens Defending Freedom, a local chapter of a non-profit organization that helps citizens defend their faith and freedom, has untangled a web of dark money that shows powerful GOP organizations working with Democrat organizations to quash the candidacies of grassroots Republicans in Jacksonville.

A Republican political committee called the Better Leadership Fund, operated by Alachua County Republican State Committeeman William “Stafford” Jones who is the organization’s registered agent, has spent untold thousands of dollars on mailers attacking grassroots Republican candidates for office.

One of those candidates is Mike Gay, who is running for Jacksonville City Council.

Mailers, branded with the Better Leadership Fund’s insignia, have attacked Gay as a liberal in disguise and falsely accused him of wanting to defund the police.

In some cases, like political primaries, Republicans attacking other Republicans would be standard procedure.

However, Jones is also intimately connected to the Social Justice PAC, a Democrat PAC, which he is using to work against Republican candidates, including Gay. Documentation of attacks on Gay from both Jones’ Better Leadership Fund and the Social Justice PAC can be found in the Google Drive above.

The Social Justice PAC has sent mailers attacking Gay as an “extremist” over his support for former President Donald Trump, while Jones’ Better Leadership Fund sent mailers attacking Gay as a liberal. More

13 Comments on Report: Dark money GOP organizations spending money against Republican candidates

  1. The GOP is no longer a political party, but is now just another giant business in the business of making money. They have found that donations to the “party” are always greater when the GOP is not in power. Therefore it has no expressed interest in winning elections.

  2. That’s how it works, friends. They learned this shit from Democrats.

    Not one leader in any of the “social justice” machine arose organically from within the affected communities they purport to represent. They are all hand picked from within the prog establishment. In Tacoma and Pierce County where my friend and I started and fronted an advocacy group for the disabled that was a juggernaut. All the rest of the shitbag non-profits tried to attach themselves to our movement. I learned from people who they had muscled out how the local Democrat machine moved their people up and took over by working with broadcast media to determine who would be the voice of each and every movement, they had absolute and complete control of who has access to the microphones. Print media did the same.

    They take over these non-profits and that is where they plant and monitor their up and coming talent. They are nothing but a Democrat political machine farm club system. The folks who were there at the beginning and organically rose to leadership before they were muscled out told me about the mechanics of how it went down, but were not able to connect the dots. Couldn’t see the forest, for the trees. Me being outside, I was able to make the connection and once I did was able to observe the moves that were being made from outside and put it all together.

    It helped that I had connection to a news gal who wasn’t in on the shitbaggery and told me who the players were and their respective roles.

    They tried it with us and I vamoosed the fuckers and made it perfectly clear that they were not in any way, shape or form welcome to even speak with me in the future unless they wanted another public dressing down.

  3. The battlefield has morphed over the years, redefining adversaries and their motives.

    The managerial class (The Deep State) is now the real enemy, the antithesis of “Conservative”. This entity is made up of both Democrats and Republicans, working in consorts to not only retain power but to control the citizens. And they do this by selectively enforcing our laws for the benefit of the ruling class.

    We see this with the arrest of Daniel Penny. They allow criminals to terrorize the populace, doing nothing, but when someone steps up and fights back, he must be destroyed, select application of our laws designed for the benefit of the ruling elite.

  4. Well, of course they are. The GOP leadership are forever wars, cheap labor fanatics. And they don’t give a crap if it wrecks the entire country to pursue and maintain those realities.

  5. I personally know life-long Dems and one proclaimed Socialist who left the Dem Party to support DJT. They no longer want to be called Democrats, but they do not want to be called Republicans either… and I do not blame them for a second.
    (We all just call ourselves ‘Americans’ now.)
    DJT2024 For his third win.

  6. Look at what the Bellevue Boys Club did to Clint Didier. The dirty little secret the NRA-ILA doesn’t want anyone to know is they were in on it. Give money to the NRA directly to support their education and competition programs, not one thin un constrained dime. GOA, Second Amendment Foundation and others won’t dry shave you, the NRA-ILA is infused with absolute shitbags that cycle between jobs therein and the Republican establishment. They are worse than useless, they are an active menace.

  7. Same thing is happening is South Dakota. Liberal republicans on the east side of the state formed a PAC and work WITH THE GOVERNOR to weed out conservative state politicians who don’t vote the “correct” way. Sometimes they can and sometimes they can’t, but they keep trying.

  8. Has been SOP for many decades!

    Ask Barry!

    MSM lied when they said he called conservatives to vote against
    “Tricky Dick” because Nixon back stabbed free China by making amao PERMANENT MEMBER OF UN SECURITU COUNCIL!
    Barry said, “BS. I can’t prove the Bush/Nixon clique elected LBJ, BUT I CAN PROVE THEY DID NOT WORK FOR MY ELECTION!”

    the ’62 UNIPARTY (as has been the case for 80 years)-JFK, Nixon – denigrated the conservative by calling him “an extremist”! SEE THEY STILL USE THE SAME PLAYBOOK!
    Barry tried ( without success) to counter Nixon and JFK with his
    “Extremism in defense of liberty ….” speech.

    The Rove/Bush junta failed to elect Clinton 6 years ago BUT DID GET JOE ELECTED!

  9. @ anol ex jarhead AT 6:17 PM

    Biden wasn’t elected. That much I can promise you. The Democrats and Republican establishment colluded to steal the 2020 Presidential Election from the American people.

    post script

    The UNIPARTY, to the detriment of working Americans, in ’72 allied with Red China. In ’23 UNIPARTY still allied with RedChina; to detriment of American workers!

    With exception of ’81 to ’88; the UNIPARTY has shut out working Americans. “If it aint broke DONT FIX IT!”


    I, clumsily tried to say in last sentence what you said. You are 100% RIGHT!


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