Joe Biden was given an honorary doctorate for his ‘intellectual ability’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden was given an honorary doctorate for his ‘intellectual ability’

Sky News host James Macpherson says US President Joe Biden was given an honorary doctorate by Howard University in Washington DC for his “intellectual ability” and “popularity”.

39 Comments on Joe Biden was given an honorary doctorate for his ‘intellectual ability’

  1. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
    Isaiah 5:20

  2. How is this any more far-fetched than Obama getting the Nobel peace prize for , “His extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”?

  3. Howard U. – a grand institution back in the 50s.

    This actually says more about the present state of Howard than it does about the Retarded Pedophile Usurper.
    I’d say it perfectly reflects Howard U’s “intellectual ability.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I sense a new IOTW contest forming;

    Brian Stelter getting an honorary doctorate for his work in Nutritional Studies.

    Kamala Harris getting an honorary degree for her pioneer breakthroughs in Language and Communication techniques.

    Kaitlen Collins winning a Pulitzer Prize for her revolutionary interviewing skills.

    Chris Wray getting an honorary degree in Managerial Ethics.

    Chelsea Handler getting an honorary degree for her marriage and family studies.

    Alvin Bragg getting an honorary degree for his commitment to equal justice under the law in how he applies the NY criminal code.

  5. “I’d say it perfectly reflects Howard U’s “intellectual ability.”

    And to be completely honest, the universal “intellectual ability” of ALL American university these days.
    Couldn’t you imagine Columbia, Hahvahd, or countless others ‘prestigious’ institutions doing the same?? Everything around us is sullied and mere trash. King Merdas, Nobel Prizewinner, oBola himself turned as much to shit as he could, he put his ‘touch’ everywhere.


  6. Biden the understudy of his mentor, a KKK Senator Robert Byrd, both white supremacists.
    Life has become a parody.

    Biden couldn’t receive an honorary degree from Kiddie College for his intellect.

  7. Lizzo – doctorate in fitness.
    Mitch McConnell – doctorate in turtlolgy and butt licking.
    John Kerry – doctorate in carbon production.
    Obama and big Mike – doctorate in foolology.
    Bill Gates – doctorate in pedophilia.

  8. Actually, Howard U should call all of its degrees “honorary.”

    Yo, Shawneequa, wass yo d’gree got wrote on it?
    Dissen here sez Bac … uhh Batch … uhh … I don no … sum shit … an cum louder!
    How dey no bout dat? I only dun ten o fitteen ‘fessors …

  9. this “movie” is getting more & more outrageous and preposterous every second
    and someone needs to tell biteme getting a fake doctorate doesn’t mean you can play doctor with little kids

  10. In what world can a thoroughly dishonorable institution dispense a completely dishonored degree to a demonstrably dishonorable pedophile and still be able to call it in any way “Honorary”?

  11. Before we start patting him on the back, keep in mind that Jackass Joe clawed his way up to the bottom of his class by lying, cheating and plagiarizing!

    … Oh and letting the Black kids feel the hair on his legs in the swimming pool!

  12. Aww gosh I’m late to the party but that there provides an unlimited field of mockery. So, here’s just one. Remember Black Panther, Wakanda, what was the McGuffin in that show that they were searching for? Vi-BRAIN-ium. Naturally they might think ol’ Joe’s a pretty sharp knife in the butter dish… or was it the oatmeal pot?


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