Oversight Committee Has Subpoenaed Phone Records for Joe Biden Phone Paid by Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Oversight Committee Has Subpoenaed Phone Records for Joe Biden Phone Paid by Hunter Biden


The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed phone records of a phone belonging to President Joe Biden that Hunter Biden’s business paid for, according to Peter Schweizer, Government Accountability Institute president in an interview on Tuesday.

Schweizer said in an interview with 77 WABC’s Cats & Cosby that it was discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop that he was paying a phone bill for his father from 2009 to 2017, which encompassed the time Biden was vice president.

“We obtained that phone number and we’ve shared it with individuals and the Oversight Committee in Congress is going to subpoena those phone records. And what’s important here is that’s not a government phone, this is not Joe Biden’s private phone that he’s paying for himself. It’s actually [Hunter] Biden’s business that paid for it,” Schweizer said.

“I think it’s going to yield a lot of interesting information as to who Joe Biden was talking to on this phone that was being paid for by his son,” said Schweizer, who is a senior contributor to Breitbart News and best-selling author of multiple books on corruption by political elites.

Schweizer called the reported removal of the investigative team at the IRS looking into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax evasion “very troubling.” The removal came in alleged retaliation to a whistleblower who had contacted Congress about a possible cover-up going on at the IRS on the case. MORE

6 Comments on Oversight Committee Has Subpoenaed Phone Records for Joe Biden Phone Paid by Hunter Biden

  1. If the DOJ and the FBI are corrupt who’s going to hold these people accountable?

    Starting to lose faith in the military as well. If they are doing something they sure are keeping it quiet.

  2. The over sight committee doesn’t have a sharp set of teeth and they can’t count on it being a full set with only 3 or 4 that have done anything in the past. Go back to sleep.

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