Lake lawyer exposes possibility Maricopa County staff could perform signature verification at home – IOTW Report

Lake lawyer exposes possibility Maricopa County staff could perform signature verification at home


On Thursday, Kari Lake’s legal counsel exposed the possibility that Maricopa County staff could perform signature verification at home in questioning Maricopa County Elections Director Ray Valenzuela.

Valenzuela testified in Lake’s election challenge trial on Thursday that “it’s not a protocol” for county staff to perform signature verification from home, but that “admin could log into our network.”

Thursday is the second day of a three-day trial in Arizona 2022 GOP gubernatorial nominee Lake.

Valenzuela testified under direct examination by Lake’s legal counsel on Wednesday that county election officials can verify signatures in their offices without observers present, though observers are allowed to be in the general areas where signature reviewers examine signatures at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center.

Lake’s legal counsel Bryan Blehm questioned Valenzuela on Thursday about whether county employees could remotely perform signature verification from their computers at home. more here

2 Comments on Lake lawyer exposes possibility Maricopa County staff could perform signature verification at home

  1. There’s nothing inherently wrong with handling sensitive and confidential information from off-site as long as you have the right communications gear, software, and protocols; you have consciencious and competent managers and supervisors; and your staff people are trustworthy, intelligent, and knowledgable.

    Maricopa County fails on all counts, every damned one of them.

  2. I have a beef about voter signatures at the voting places in Dallas county.

    They have recently switched to you signing on an electronic device instead of a paper registry right next to your information and upside down so the worker can read it without re-orienting it.

    I want that back. The electronic pen version NEVER looks like my actual signature.

    How in hell can it be verified?

    I call BS


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