Northern U.S. Border Encounters With Illegals More Than Double In 7 Months – IOTW Report

Northern U.S. Border Encounters With Illegals More Than Double In 7 Months

Summit News

Encounters with undocumented illegal migrants have more than doubled in the past seven months on the NORTHERN U.S. border, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

The figures show that Border Patrol agents recorded 4,827 migrant encounters between October 2022 and April along the U.S.-Canadian border.

Through the entire fiscal year 2022, Border Patrol along the northern border encountered 2,238 illegals.

The data also shows that of the close to 5000 who have crossed around half were from Mexico. They flew to Canada (no visa required) and then walked across the border there.

Sean Walsh, National Border Patrol Council President for the Swanton sector in Vermont, New York and New Hampshire has noted “The northern border is less secure than it ever has been and the security speaks for itself.” read more

12 Comments on Northern U.S. Border Encounters With Illegals More Than Double In 7 Months

  1. Are you wondering where all these invaders are going to be housed and fed? Do yo have a spare bedroom? I’m hardly joking. The early rumblings have already started. These people are your replacements

  2. “cartels and criminal organizations have taken advantage and exploited the border and this administration’s policies”
    Nobody has bee exploited or taken advantage of.
    They are funding it.
    Remember Obola, Cuntin, Bush forming an NGO to fly illegals.
    The Clinton Foundation is at the start of the Darién Gap to help move them north.
    85,000 missing children. Yes, it’s all part of the plan.
    I think it’s called “Build Back Better”.

  3. I live within 100 miles of the Canadian border just N. of Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho and I am far more worried about illegals and drugs being smuggled across the Northern border than I am from across the Southern border. But we still get more than our fair share of illegal beaners and illegal drugs and sex slaves etc. in central Wash. state because of all of the agricultural work done there. The Feds need to close both borders to all illegals and actually enforce our sovereignty as a nation, otherwise we’re screwed from both sides of our borders.

  4. They don’t need demoncrat voters. After the last election we know they can twiddle the outcome to anything they want to “win”.

    What they NEED is factory and farm SLAVES.There is no way to twiddle that. They have to import it.

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