Jeffrey Epstein ‘threatened to expose Bill Gates’ 2010 affair with a Russian – IOTW Report

Jeffrey Epstein ‘threatened to expose Bill Gates’ 2010 affair with a Russian


Jeffrey Epstein used his knowledge of Bill Gates‘ 2010 affair with a Russian bridge player to threaten the Microsoft billionaire, a bombshell new report claims.

The pedophile, who killed himself in 2019, wanted Gates to invest in a multibillion-dollar charitable fund back in 2013 but he would not oblige.

Epstein later sent him an email implying he was aware of his affair with bridge player Mila Antonova and that he could reveal his infidelity, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Gates, who has said that bridge is one of his favorite hobbies, allegedly met Antonova at a tournament in 2010 and had an affair with her at around the same time. He was 55 and she was in her 20s.

Epstein met her later in around 2013 when she was looking to raise money to start an online bridge platform. Though he did not bankroll the project he did later pay for her to attend a software coding school. 

The ‘threat’ was not made until 2017 when Epstein wrote to Gates asking for reimbursement for Antonova’s coding school in a tone that implied he knew about the affair and could expose it. more

13 Comments on Jeffrey Epstein ‘threatened to expose Bill Gates’ 2010 affair with a Russian

  1. “The pedophile, who killed himself in 2019 …”

    “The pedophile, who most definitely DIDN’T kill himself in 2019 …”

    Fixed it for ya!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There was more than 1 reason why Melinda ditched Bill. Epstein had book on all of them. There’s one player left, we haven’t heard how’s she’s doing in prison these days. They all got away with it e3xcept Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and everyone else is still breathing and living the life. Every one of them have children, and some grandchildren, they get to live with knowing their daddy or grandpa loved to diddle children.

  3. Bridge? That’s what they call it now I guess. How about the trips to the island we hear about?
    The purpose of the island was blackmail, pure and simple. Well not pure at all, not at all.

  4. If you think that the only blackmail dirt Epstein had on Gates was an affair with an adult female then I’ve got a bag of magic beans I’m sure you’ll want to buy.

  5. How many times did Gates hunt down minors for sex?
    Epstein’s Island Visitors List:

    Al Gore
    Alan Dershowitz
    Alec Baldwin
    Anderson Cooper
    Barack Obama
    Ben Affleck
    Bernie Sanders
    Bill Clinton
    Bill Gates
    Chelsea Handler
    Ellen DeGeneres
    George Clooney
    Hilary Clinton
    Joe Biden
    John Cusack
    John Podesta

    Joy Behar
    Justin Trudeau
    Kathy Griffin
    Kirsten Gillibrand
    Lady Gaga
    Laura Z. Wasserman
    Meryl Streep
    Michelle Obama
    Prince Charles
    Rachel Maddow
    Rob Reiner
    Robert DeNiro
    Robert Downey Jr.
    Stephen Colbert
    Whoopi Goldberg


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