Information Warfare in New York – IOTW Report

Information Warfare in New York

By Andrew Paquette

Last April, I discovered an algorithm hidden in New York’s voter rolls. The algorithm linked county voter identification (CID) and State Board of Elections identification (SBOEID) numbers in such a way that it could be used as a third ID number. This could be used to clandestinely tag and track records of interest, such as phantom voters.

Since that day in April, I have done little else for seven days a week as I studied the original algorithm and three others discovered subsequently. Last week, the peer-reviewed Journal of Information Warfare published my article about New York’s voter roll algorithms. The article was written several months ago. It represents my understanding of the algorithm at that time. Since then, my understanding of how it works and what it does has deepened. Current updates on voter roll algorithm research can be read on my substack, the Zark Files.

I have identified four algorithms in New York’s voter rolls to date. I have named them “Spiral,” “Metronome,” “Tartan,” and “Shingle” based on their characteristics. The Spiral algorithm has been solved in the sense that it can be completely reversed and its effects predicted. The Metronome is unsolved but appears to be based on a random seed for the purpose of randomizing numbers. The Tartan accomplishes a similar purpose as the Metronome but in a different way. The Shingle algorithm is closely associated with suspicious records. MORE

8 Comments on Information Warfare in New York

  1. Holy Cow! Excellent detective work and ongoing!

    The sneaky appearance and use of the discovered algorithms just might eventually explain the SUDDEN LOSS of huge votes tallied FOR THE LEADING candidate, while at the same instant the EXACT number BEING ADDED to the losing opposition candidate’s tally.

    We witnessed that happening in way too many recent elections.

    I first saw it in the 2012 election.

    In each election thereafter, the amount of shifted votes increased, as well as the frequency of the adjustment shift.

    And the cheaters really goofed by allowing biden to end up with way too many votes, reflecting his extremely poor campaign.

  2. Voter fraud from the top down…democrats will never make it legal or fare. Voters are wasting their time. NY judges are helping them.

  3. Mm: They had to give Biden so many extra votes because Trump had an unexpectedly huge lead. The cheat was so obvious due to their panic that they had to shut down all criticism, audits, and challenges forcefully and repeatedly.
    I M H O

  4. your vote means nothing. your citizenship means nothing. but don’t take my word for it, ask the bus driver who just dumped off the illegals

  5. The answer is to MAKE your vote count.

    Monitor polling, get conservatives to VOTE, not just complain.

    Participate and monitor locally all aspects of elections or government.

    Quit bitching and start educating your community to rise up and vote.

  6. @ Mm AT 7:53 AM

    About poll monitoring..

    One of my customers is a poll watcher. She witnessed several violations one year. They did it right in front of her knowing it was wrong and who she was. I was surprised to learn she was not allowed to video record anything at a poll site. It’s set up to allow cheating.

    There are NO teeth in the voting laws and so no repercussions to be had.

    It’s disgusting. Like watching a rape that the police won’t do anything about no matter what.

    Not sure what anyone would expect to accomplish under those conditions.


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