Where Was The FBI When Chinese Intelligence Was Climbing Into Bed With The Bidens? – IOTW Report

Where Was The FBI When Chinese Intelligence Was Climbing Into Bed With The Bidens?

AND Magazine

The full implications of the contacts between CEFC China Energy and the Bidens often get lost in the background noise of domestic American politics. Facts are obscured by rhetoric and political bias. It may help then to take a hard look at the Czech Republic and CEFC China Energy’s activities there. They seem eerily similar to the actions that that entity took right here in the United States.

In the years following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic charted an independent and unabashedly pro-Western course. It was a voice for freedom and against tyranny.

Then circa 2013 all that began to change. Particularly in regard to China, suddenly Czechoslovakia was sympathetic and encouraging. The nation that had broken free of Soviet tyranny and put Communism in the rear-view mirror suddenly seemed to have a lot of regard for Mao and totalitarianism.

What happened? CEFC happened. It arrived in the Czech Republic with a lot of money and an urgent desire to buy friendship and goodwill. It succeeded wildly.

CEFC came into the Czech Republic with boatloads of cash. It bought real estate. It entered into partnerships and joint ventures with some of the biggest firms in the nation. There did not appear to be any particular economic logic to its actions, but that’s because it wasn’t really there to make money. It was there to buy influence and get some of the most powerful men in the country in its pocket. MORE

12 Comments on Where Was The FBI When Chinese Intelligence Was Climbing Into Bed With The Bidens?

  1. chinese intelligence and fbi one in the same. anymore any government official must be seen as adversarial until proven friendly. top to bottom, local to federal we have no friend of freedom.

  2. pie^^^anymore any government official must be seen as adversarial until proven friendly. top to bottom, local to federal we have no friend of freedom.

    Well said. Needs to be a meme.

  3. “Where Was The FBI When Chinese Intelligence Was Climbing Into Bed With The Bidens?”

    Greasing up Joey’s and Hunter’s asses with K-Y and fellating the chinks to get em hard.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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