Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home – IOTW Report

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home


A U.S. congresswoman went to Jeffrey Epstein’s home in 2018, within a year of his being arrested on charges of child sex trafficking.

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) went to Epstein’s townhouse in September 2018, she acknowledged during a deposition this month.

“I recall going to the address, ringing the bell … someone opening the door,” Plaskett said as she answered questions under oath on May 8.

“He was sitting at a very long table having a conversation with another gentleman,” Plaskett added later. That man left, and Plaskett sat down and spoke to Epstein for a period of time that she said was less than one hour.

They spoke about “Virgin Islands’ politics, national politics, campaign contributions,” according to Plaskett.

Epstein was one of a list of individuals from whom Plaskett planned to ask for money for herself, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), or both. She was supposed to raise a certain amount, somewhere around $250,000, for the DCCC, which helps get Democrat congressional candidates elected. more

8 Comments on Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home

  1. She was grifting for dollars.
    Same as every other politician on Earth.

    Probably babbled in her baby-voice and then sucked his dick.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So is she a Delegate for the Virgin Iskands….
    or a Congress critter from Delaware….

    From the “I don’t want to do any of this.” article….

    (The subcommittee’s ranking Democrat, Delaware Stacey Plaskett, later called for Taibbi’s possible arrest.)….????

  3. I got a survey form and request for money from the DCCC (should add a fourth C for communists) in the mail the other day. I intend to respond as soon as I inventory my choice of PROFANITY which I intend to use.

    The same day I got a similar request from the other head of the same snake…the RINO’S.

    I only contribute directly to my preferred candidate!


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