GEORGIA: Floyd County terminates election director after state audit uncovers uncounted votes – IOTW Report

GEORGIA: Floyd County terminates election director after state audit uncovers uncounted votes


ROME, Ga. – Floyd County‘s Board of Elections voted Thursday to fire its executive director after elections officials discovered hundreds of ballots were left uncounted before the county’s initial certification.

The Secretary of State’s Office initially asked for Floyd Chief of Elections Clerk Robert Brady to step down after officials discovered the uncounted votes.

The board met for little more than an hour Thursday afternoon in a special meeting, which resutled in Brady’s terminiation. Officials cited at least two reprimands that Brady received in the past six months as the reason for his firing.

The board met for little more than an hour Thursday afternoon in a special meeting, which resulted in Brady’s termination. Officials cited at least two reprimands that Brady received in the past six months as the reason for his firing. more

13 Comments on GEORGIA: Floyd County terminates election director after state audit uncovers uncounted votes

  1. It’s like eating a bowl full of sour milk and doucheberry crunch… every day.

    I am so over this state…

    No, no…that’s not true. I love this state. It’s just that it’s getting filled up with tiddy fuquers and people fat enough to have tiddies in the first place…

    If cooler heads had prevailed, I probably would have gone with “sodomized by cocaine bear”….possibly “sodomized by a midget with a chainsaw”.

    Maybe a midget sized cocaine bear with a chainsaw…

    I’ll do better next time.

  2. Trump was right. Georgia elections were a mess. I hope his defense uses this if they indict him in Georgia, as some of the reports I read are suggesting.

  3. Wait, he was prolly fired because uncounted ballots should have been shredded by now.

    Wonder why he was reprimanded twice over the last 6 months.

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…. someone FOUND uncounted votes, wonder who they were for.

  4. It looks to me like they knew about the uncounted votes since 2020, and it took them all this time to dislodge him from his protected perch. And it was probably establishment RINOs who were protecting him. The rot runs deep here in GA.

    BTW, down here in Milton GA, we’ve got Fair Fight Action, Tank Abram’s grift, accusing us of “suppressing minority voters”, because the apartment dwellers in Milton’s crime hub couldn’t be bothered to show up and vote in local elections. I can’t wait to leave this town and this state.

  5. It should be obvious, except to the more rabid totalitarians (actually they are acutely aware of the facts) and the unbelievably stupid viewers of the Lame Stream Media, that our electoral process has been hi-jacked.

    The Republic simply cannot function this way. It’s very foundation is eroded such that the entire edifice collapses – which, of course, is the intention.

    Since the electoral process is corrupt and cannot be repaired through elections: What is to be done?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Kind of a shame … “terminated” … I thought they’d hanged the bastard …
    Ah, well … I keep hoping that America wakes the fuck up!

    “… but I may as well try and catch the wind …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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