“There’s Poop Everywhere” – IOTW Report

“There’s Poop Everywhere”

According to a new report from the City Controller’s Office, San Francisco is reported to be covered in feces, with Nob Hill taking the top spot.

Everyone knows that San Francisco is the nation’s largest public toilet – requiring the city to employ six-figure ‘poop patrol’ cleanup team, however a new report from the city Controller’s Office really puts things in poo-spective. MORE

17 Comments on “There’s Poop Everywhere”

  1. “When the lights go down in the city …”

    Last human out, turn off the lights – the dems, fags, and perverts don’t need em.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Not a new issue. I lived in SF in 2021 in Nob Hill and a homeless fat person (couldn’t tell you sex) ambling along the street a half block ahead of me with no warning dropped it’s pants and started pooping while continuing to walked . I still can’t get the image out of my head. It was common to see the homeless peeing and pooping.


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