Scientists Working To Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough – IOTW Report

Scientists Working To Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough

According to a study published in Advanced Materials, scientists have made a breakthrough in generating electricity from thin air through the use of an “Air-gen” or air generator.

Scientists have invented a device that can continuously generate electricity from thin air, offering a glimpse of a possible sustainable energy source that can be made of almost any material and runs on the ambient humidity that surrounds all of us, reports a new study.  more

31 Comments on Scientists Working To Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough

  1. The problem isn’t making energy, the problem is that your masters don’t want you to have it.

    That’s why no matter what you make, they will ban it.

    Things like wind and solar are only head fakes. They know damn well they won’t work, but it DOES give them an excuse to take power from you.

    For your own good, of course…

  2. Lay it Out! It’s just one manufactured crises after another. The decades of Unintended Consequences, which were completely foreseeable, were Actually the goal.

  3. SNS is on point. They don’t want the world to harness free energy even though the technology has been around for quite some time.

    It’s the same with oil.

    It’s all about control, and they are losing it day by day because people are slowly wising up.

    The turning point will (in my opinion) focus around the collapse of the central banking (a.k.a. debt slave system) followed by a tax strike.

    To starve the beast you must first cut off its food supply.

  4. “Researchers hope the technique could eventually help to fight climate change by serving as an alternative to fossil fuels.”

    If the “researchers” are seriously duped by the Globaloney/Climate Change hoax, they’re not smart enough to invent anything worthwhile.
    I guarantee it.
    If they’re spouting Globaloney/Climate Change hoax bullshit to secure funding, that’s a horse of a different color.

    My guess is that the gov’t will shunt Tens of $Millions their way and after a few years everybody will forget about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I wonder if they’ve considered the consequences of taking electricity from water vapor.

    Just like wind farms that inevitably affect weather by reducing the natural movement of air, removing electrical potential from atmospheric watervaper will have an impact.

    Reduction in lightning may sound like a benefit, but do we truly understand what lightning provides to our planet?

    Would this reduce cloud formation by removing the electrical charge from water vapor?

    No idea, but one thing I do know is that energy is never free.

  6. I make electricity simply by yanking a magnet around some copper and a bit of iron.
    …and back in the seventies, I installed a magic carburetor on my old Pinto wagon that would increase my mileage by 75% along with a pressure regulator that would add 30%, and just for kicks, a special fuel additive for another 15%.
    I drove ten miles and the gas tank was running over.☻️

  7. Nope. Can’t do that it will interfere with the chemtrails they are seeding the earth with to prevent climate change.
    And what about fusion, I thought they’d solved a couple months back?

  8. Don’t worry, CBDC will save us all. They’ll be able to cut you off and limit your usage of not only approved, unapproved, or otherwise new forms of electricity but everything and have it tied to your social score. It’ll be implemented with overwhelming support, more than Joe’s 81 million votes, all the NPCs love the convenience of it. Because it has to happen to keep central banks in control.

  9. “…made from materials with holes that are under 100 nanometers in length…”
    First of all, what is the “length” of a hole?
    Second, what happens when it clogs from all the particles that are present in the air that are larger than “nanometers” (which is just about everything…)?

  10. Just so you all know, this story was first reported over three years ago in February of 2020. It is indeed based on something real it seems, as there’s a paper in Nature and publications on Amherst’s web site. But if this were as big a deal as it ought to be we’d have heard a bit more about it by now (assuming TPTB didn’t assassinate or buy off all those involved).

  11. You have to take the first derivative and form ànd set a system of equations = 0 of course. Then you check the second derivative to look for singularities and having found none you then look at the third derivative and realize you’re looking at a bunch of jerks messing with the data.

    Seriously, this 12,000 year cycle phenomenon seems to have become much worse in the last 40,000 years during which many large mammals have become extinct and much geologic data exists indicating cataclysmic events. But I don’t buy it as a regular phenomenon or Life as we know it wouldn’t be here at all.

  12. @general malaise — If the 3rd derivative is a bunch of jerks, does that make the 4th derivative a scourge of flaming assholes? Answering my own question, no. But I’m not sure anybody other than the two of us would be entertained by follow-on cereal serial puns!

  13. Uncle Al, I regard the fourth derivative to be a woman who changes her mind constantly, this jerking her man endlessly hither and thither until he turns into a pile of useless goo.

  14. @Uncle Al
    I get it, and I have designed products whose software algorithms monitor the 1st, 2nd and 3rd derivates of position.
    From what I have learned over the years is the true “jerks” are the marketing guys who don’t understand calculus and can’t fathom the really cool science that goes into the products they sell.

  15. It is comforting to know that there are at least three of us who understand position, velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap, crackle, and pop.

    @general malaise: “…this jerking her man endlessly hither and thither until he…” snaps!

  16. I once lived by a older than me old coot who made free electricty. When he died and his house was sold they found out he had tapped into a neighbors garage power pannel and had been powering his garage with a wire tap into his other neighbors garage pannel years ago. Taking just enough not to cause any questions. Same thing in a way our own government works with taxes.

  17. Technically feasible and economically sustainable are two different things.
    Only time will tell if this method will be actually useful. If it is the odds
    are very very good the technology and knowledge of it will be buried deeply and anyone knowing the technical details will have a ‘tragic accident’. The evil people running things do NOT want us to have abundant cheap power. And they will do ANYTHING to prevent it.

  18. what a steaming pile of democrats! Poorly written nonsense that probably shouldn’t be linked or discussed among civilized folks with a minimum of education or common sense. Sounds like one of Mr Haney’s inventions from Green Acres.


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