Why We Vote: # 27 – IOTW Report

Why We Vote: # 27

CannCon and Ashe in America interview voting experts throughout the nation to explore why the foundation of our Republic needs to remain a focus of patriots, despite repeated attempts at fraud and election theft.

11 Comments on Why We Vote: # 27

  1. Carlin had it right; we vote because it furthers the illusion of freedom.

    It’s a big club. And we ain’t in it.

    That being said, I’m still voting Trump. Mostly because I believe in God.

  2. Voting has totally fixed everything so far.

    SO looking forward to voting again. Gonna’ vote SO HARD. Man, it gives me a lil’ chubby just thinking about ramming my vote into the box.

    We should all vote at the same time. How hott would that be?

  3. “…Voting has totally fixed everything so far…”

    Yaah, well this time I’m going to vote twice. And then I’m going to kill myself and vote again. I can play their game too, by golly.

  4. Way to vote,Young Einstein. Your dead vote will cancel out one of your live votes, leaving you only up one vote.

    Tell ya’ what. I will take bets, that on whatever day the election is, that will be the kickoff for Civil Wah 2.0. So, when is that, like in March or something?

    People aren’t as turned on by the democratic process as I am. Some of them have like….”grievances” .

    I mean, I want to vote again…it’s just that… I’ve been hurt before.

  5. “…Your dead vote will cancel out one of your live votes, leaving you only up one vote…”

    Interesting. So you think I will change my mind in the grave. Aint gonna happen. It’s written in my will. My Executor has to follow my directive. That’s DJT cubed.

  6. The dead only vote democrat.

    Your soul may go to heaven but your vote is eternally damned in everlasting hellfire and probably demon…butt… lava or something.

    No…suicide isn’t the answer. We need… bigger votes. Like, giant publishers clearing house sized checks…but as votes.

  7. Winning is easy if you do it the democrat way. Just stuff the boxes, harvest the votes, run them dozens of times through the machines and claim the most honest election ever.

  8. stirrin the pot
    AT 1:27 AM

    ‘Yaah, well this time I’m going to vote twice. And then I’m going to kill myself and vote again.’

    Well, gee, that’s a plan, except two out of three of those “voats” will be automagically switched to Democrat at 3 AM.



  9. What does this moron mean “attempts”. What a crock o’shiite. There was no “attempt”. The left SUCCESSFULLY stole the White House and multiple other electoral offices in 2020 and repeated those crimes again in 2022. The fraud and election theft was open, blatant and wide spread. They didn’t even TRY to hide it. Anyone with the IQ of a soap bubble could see for themselves what was happening.


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