Brunson Bros Vs Tyranny  – IOTW Report

Brunson Bros Vs Tyranny 

Vem Miller interviews Loy Brunson about the ongoing legal actions by he and his brothers against governmental corruption. Special Guest Attorney Joey Gilbert joins Loy to help bring a legal perspective upon the current court actions.

4 Comments on Brunson Bros Vs Tyranny 

  1. “I always believed Americans were pretty decent and honest….”

    It was. WAS. “America” is no more. I keep bringing up secession, and it’s the only way out of this.

  2. Secession? Step back and recall the Federal Government’s reaction the last time that was tried. Over 700,000 dead Americans, many millions more wounded & disabled. About 1/2 the total area of the then US, devastated, a smoking ruin left to the deprivations of carpetbaggers, thieves, and racists…IOW dems.

    Now there are vast regions of rural conservatives and millions of dems crammed into urban shitholes. Explain to me how that’s going to work.

    Where are the regional conservative committees planning for this? Who is issuing any kind of a call to arms? What would you do if you saw a SWAT stack forming up in your Christian neighbor’s yard?

    Do you really think even if a chunk of CA and OR vote themselves out, the SC will allow it to stand? If there’s resistance, are you going to take sides?

  3. @ MMinWA
    soooo, half of the total area of the United States was a smoking ruin?? LOL. Well over half of the US was unsettled at that point. ROFLMAO. stop making stuff up.
    So we don’t fight for our rights. we just give up cause it’s too hard,,,, yeah, right.
    you have kids???


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