The Duke of Soy – IOTW Report

The Duke of Soy

22 Comments on The Duke of Soy

  1. The never-ending soap opera of the British Royal family continues on ad infinitem. Queen Elizabeth may have been the only normal one in that inbred royal family especially now that Charles is King. Thank God that I’m not a Brit.

  2. This discussion, about 2 of the most vapid, pretentious, inconsequential people in the world, is valuable only in that it provides yet one more example of differences between men and women.

    The wife and I were talking about them a few weeks ago. Where she despised Megan, for all the obvious reasons, my ire was directed right at that simp pussy Harry. His behavior from the start was so un-manly, weak, and beta. Never once did he exhibit any of the traits either sex would view as masculine. In short, he is an embarrassment to the male gender and deserves every abuse his psycho wife aims his way.

  3. I can’t stand her. The one thing I’ve noticed about her, is that she’s always clinging onto Harry. Forcing him to hold her hand, or she’s grasping him at the elbow. It’s all about Mee-Again.

  4. When narcissists collide. Nothing good results in that union. Harry the Henpecked doesn’t stand a chance against Megen the Opportunistic Trollop. She’ll rob him blind. The only concern of either one has is their own selfish existence. Their kids are just props.

    After they break up Harry, like a simpering wimp will beg his way back into the British royals twisted fold. Meghan will continue being an attention seeking social climber/Hollyweird “activist”. The fact most people can’t stand these two proves they’re insufferable.

  5. She would Bang his Older Brother in a second if it would get her closer to the Crown.

    Lizzy should have lopped off her head while she was alive.

    (or car crashed her…)

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