2015: Watch Lindsey Graham Choke Up Talking About Joe Biden – IOTW Report

2015: Watch Lindsey Graham Choke Up Talking About Joe Biden

But first, listen to him promise Zelensky our forever-dollars.

The Uniparty will not bend.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) traveled to Kiev again on Friday. Lindsey promised Ukrainian President Zelensky that no matter what Republicans say on the campaign trail to their base, the Uniparty Republicans in the Senate will continue to feed Ukraine with an endless supply of weapons.

The elites really, really hate you.

Of course, this should not come as a surprise for those who have been following Lindsey Graham the past few years.

Graham promised several times to investigate Obamagate as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This was a complete lie. more

HuffPoo: When Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) celebrated his retirement from the Air National Guard last week after 33 years of military service, he was greeted at the ceremony by an unexpected guest: Vice President Joe Biden.

Though they hail from opposing parties, Graham and Biden have long had a close friendship, going back to their years serving together in the Senate. The South Carolina senator and 2016 Republican presidential candidate was particularly touched that the vice president attended his military sendoff.

Over the weekend, The Huffington Post spent a day with Graham on the campaign trail in Iowa for the latest installment of our original series, ’16 And President. We’ll have the full episode up next week, but the above clip is a short preview of what’s to come.

In the video, Graham becomes emotional when talking about how the vice president has dealt with the recent death of his son, Beau Biden. MORE

23 Comments on 2015: Watch Lindsey Graham Choke Up Talking About Joe Biden

  1. ontoiran
    AT 3:55 PM
    “dear Lord…please let me live long enough to see this piece of human filth get what’s coming to it.”

    You’ll have to go to hell to see him REALLY get what’s coming to him…

  2. This Texas Has Had Enough
    AT 4:11 PM
    “Give the rest of the country a break and vote this POS out of office South Carolina!”


    “Voat Harderer”!

    That’s the ticket!


  3. The corruption is endemic. The game is unknown to anyone outside the circles of power. We fund these individuals through our ‘voluntary’ tax payments and related taxes taken through commerce.

    A white knight can never rise in an endemically corrupt environment. Trump, hardly simon pure, is the example. Simply review the holistic hysteria his election created in the circles of power and through their minions nationwide. 0bama, an outsider from Chicagoland, was welcomed with open arms and open legs by the circle. Why? He rose in an endemically corrupt political environment, and was deemed acceptable to those in charge of the larger corruption at the national level. 0bama is no one’s version of a bull queer so the open legs part wasn’t taken up by the nasty little piece of work.

  4. You wrote, “Give the rest of the country a break and vote this POS out of office South Carolina!”

    Have you been paying attention to our last 2 national elections? Now that Lindsey has proven himself to be a reliable UniParty member, his seat is safe forever. He will always be awarded enough votes.

    In fact you should be paying closer attention to your own state. Right now, the most stalwart State AG in the nation virtually leading the fight against voter fraud is being impeached on some real sketchy shit. I see that about 10 GOP State House members voted with the dems to send the trial over to the Texas Senate. WTF DUDE????

    Dallas, Harris and Tarant Counties are already corrupt beyond belief but you at least had Paxton trying to stem the fraud. If he’s impeached, Texas is lost. Maybe quicker is better, Abbott sitting on his hands while 6 or 7 million illegals poured across the border sealed the deal anyway.

  5. A friend that lives in S.C. says that it’s impossible to vote Miss Lindsey out because he raises a shit-ton of money every election cycle and can outspend any opposition.

    The recent investigation that exposed people stating that they had not contributed to any candidate in any race when data shows otherwise is a huge tell. Where the money is coming from is what needs to be investigated and that’s for every politician from dog catcher right up to the top.

    Never, ever gonna happen – I know. It’s a pretty good gig when you get to decide the rules you play under and voting yourself a raise, well, it doesn’t get any better than that.

    Regardless, real and true votes don’t determine the winner of elections in the people’s republic of America anymore.

  6. Reminds me of the speech Lindsey gave at More Science High:
    Lindsey: “Thank you fellow kids”
    Some guy in the audience: “Fuck you!”
    Lindsey: “Thank you”
    Lindsey: “I am recalling the words of the foundry… founder of More Science High School, Ukipiah Heep, who pressed the first bricks with his hands…”
    Some guy in the audience: “Eat it!”
    Lindsey: “You bet!”
    Some guy in the audience: “Eat it raw”
    Lindsey: “Raw, raw raw, that’s the spirits we have here!”
    Some guy in the audience: “Fuck you!”

  7. @MMinWA- I know the problems in Texas and we have plenty. Impeachment of Paxton is a sham and will hopefully be overturned by the more sane Senate.
    But that said problems in my state do not keep me from noticing problems elsewhere.

  8. Don’t misunderstand Texas, the scum, from both sides are everywhere. Here in WA there’s no chance an R AG will be impeached because no R has held a state wide office for years. WA BTW is an all mail in vote state. The fraud is rampant everywhere. Our country is a massive, bloated rotting hull and one well placed pin prick & the whole shebang is going to pop.

    I hope to fuck I get to see it from this side.


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