Kohl’s Says “Hold My Bud Light” – IOTW Report

Kohl’s Says “Hold My Bud Light”

Kohl’s Is Selling Transgender Themed Clothing For 3 Month Old Babies.

GP: It appears Kohl’s wants to follow in the footsteps of Target and Bud Light.

To commemorate “Pride Month” Kohl’s has released new LGBTQIA+ themed apparel for adults, children, and even babies.

The Twitter account End Wokeness made the discovery and tweeted out a photo of a display in Kohl’s that was advertising pride clothing and accessories.

Included in the display was some trans themed baby clothing that contained a dog with a trans flag and children waving LGBTQ flags on them. more

21 Comments on Kohl’s Says “Hold My Bud Light”

  1. I haven’t shopped in Kohl’s since they discontinued “My Pillow” a few years back. I would plead with my 90 year old mother not to shop there but she insisted she needed to get clothes, so I took her there but would not enter the store.
    Today she said to me after hearing the news of Kohls catering to the Alphabet freaks she finally said , ENOUGH !
    I hope all these companies suffer great losses and are forced to close.

  2. Remember when Bill O’Reilly proclaimed that boycotts were stupid and ineffective?

    Yeah, that’s why I stopped listening to him years before he got removed from FOX.

  3. I cancelled my Kohl’s card years ago when they were doing something as stupid.

    How about we call these babies’ and children’s items what they are?
    Grooming Gear

  4. I was at a storage locker auction once. They open it up and it’s packed floor to ceiling with all the same boxes. Can’t tell what’s in them, but part of my resale business at the time was repetition. So this was appealing. Won the locker for a few hundred bucks. Turns out each box had a dozen K-cup coffee racks for all the goofs that use K-cups and need them stacked up on the counter. I figure, meh, sell ’em for 10 bucks a pop on ebay or something.

    After more research it turns out they were a Kohl’s exclusive product and were sold for $29.99 each. I had hundreds of them, if not over a thousand. I took a box to Kohl’s and tried returning them. They actually accepted them and asked if I could bring ’em all back, they said yes. Loaded up the trailer and hauled them into the return department. Easiest money I ever made. Went back a couple months later out of curiosity if they were selling them still. They were, and had just about every single box lined up in a clearance aisle with each K-cup rack marked down to $14.99.

    That’s my only adventure in a Kohl’s. LOL.

  5. I have read several stories about why these companies are doing these insane marketing campaigns. I don’t remember the initials, but there is a score they are trying to achieve that gets them billions in money from some giant organization. Their scores are strictly based on their “social justice” work.
    The stories say they can actually make more from these credit scores than they can make selling their products.
    Someone else may know more about this…

  6. It is getting more difficult to find companies that are not insufferable virtue-signaling libtards. I shop more carefully than ever, checking labels and researching as to where a product is made and go on company websites to see if they are libtarded or not. Some are right up front, like Kohl’s, but some I have to go to there ‘about us’ information page and there I will often find who they support, partner with, donate to, etc.

    I also go to the Public Sq app to find what I want from companies’ beliefs align with my conservatism. They have grown a lot since I first found them. Maybe we really do need a parallel economy. Why should I spend my money on things often made in the country of our enemy and enrich companies who hate me?

  7. I used to go all the time to Kohl’s, had a credit card and always redeemed my “Kohl’s cash” rewards. Then Trump was denied the presidency and Kohl’s stopped carrying MyPillow because of Lindell’s comments. Haven’t been back or used the card since.

    I think these companies have a two-fold problem:
    1) they are hiring woke idiots who think that the LBGTQ+ community and their advocates are more numerous than they really are, and
    2) there are major institutional investors who are striving to force these companies (extortion?) to cater to the woke morons out there, regardless of the financial consequences of their actions (for these major investors have so much money they don’t really care if the companies they have invested in go broke or not).

  8. Very convenient the next targets in this cultural war self identify.

    You’re next, Kohl’s.

    They ARE that stupid. Take advantage of it and use it against them.

  9. Conservative Cowgirl AT 2:53 PM

    It is getting more difficult to find companies that are not insufferable virtue-signaling libtards. I shop more carefully than ever, checking labels and researching as to where a product is made and go on company websites to see if they are libtarded or not.


    Time for non-woke startups.

    Beware of those that claim it just to get your money. They can read the room and will try to cash in on it. Just like the fake tea party supporting upstarts. So, you’re right – check them out thoroughly.

    This just happens to be the landscape we are in now. Name and shame will be a part of it, but even then, you can have fake conservative entities claiming others aren’t conservative – see current Rhinos fopr examples.

    We have to be engaged and aware of what is really what. No laziness allowed.

  10. Fairly offended someone has adopted Sourpuss as their name. (without even trying to use an avatar)

    We know you’re not THE Sourpuss, so WTF are you doing besides showing you are a fake person we shouldn’t trust?

    You’re being dumb enough to show you’re a lefty by using that moniker. VERY disrespectful. Which means you have dubious intentions and are very stupid for even trying.

    You’ll get zero respect for this. Guaranteed.

    You’re very stupid.

  11. Nco77.

    CEI (Corporate Equity Index)
    Over 800 US companies are being strong armed by groups like Black Rock and the Human Rights Campaign (which receives massive funding from George Soros’ Open Societies).
    New York Post actually ran an interesting article in April on the web of fascist orgs, that have a stranglehold on businesses.
    It’s worse than what the Mafia could put together.

  12. You might be surprised to learn Tractor Supply is a wonderful place to shop. It’s not all carhart.

    Hopefully they don’t screw it up. But they have really nice stuff that is soft and cuddly. Wife is shocked that I bought her stuff from there.

  13. At least I can sew and have many many yards of fabric. My primary places for shopping are Volunteers of America and Goodwill. I am cheap. $8.99 for new with label Gloria V. jeans is much better than $90 +.
    Household goods are a problem though. I used to get towels and linens at BBBeyond, Target, Kohl’s. No more. Will have to check out out LL Bean and Restoration Hardware. There is no such thing as an indie dress shop or shoe shop where i live.

  14. TonyR 2:08pm,
    You may want to do a deep check on Carhartt. Last I read, they’ve gone “woke”, in that all the employees had to take “woke classes”.


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