Masks offer ‘small’ benefit against COVID, increased CO2 may be tied to stillbirths: research – IOTW Report

Masks offer ‘small’ benefit against COVID, increased CO2 may be tied to stillbirths: research

JTN: The termination of the COVID-19 national emergency has not ended mask mandates in various jurisdictions and settings such as healthcare, even as more peer-reviewed research suggests that face coverings can cause more harm than good.

The Annals of Internal Medicine published the “final update” to a three-year “living, rapid review” of research on mask effectiveness against COVID infection, which concluded masks in healthcare and community settings “may be associated with a small reduction in risk” — 10-18% — but that the evidence is weak.

That echoes the recent assertion of former White House COVID advisor Anthony Fauci, who led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 38 years. A forceful proponent of masking, he nonetheless told The New York Times Magazine last month that “masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent.” MORE

21 Comments on Masks offer ‘small’ benefit against COVID, increased CO2 may be tied to stillbirths: research

  1. Translation:
    “While we have ALWAYS known that masks don’t do jack shit for viruses, we will blame everything and anything EXCEPT the jab for stillbirth/died suddenlys.

  2. This CO2 hysteria is out of hand! The percentage of CO2 hasn’t changed that much over the past two hundred years (4.2 – 4.4%) and hasn’t endangered anything! Itz the percentage of Bullshit that I worry about!

  3. I did as Dr. MuCullough and Dr. Malone said from the very beginning: “do the opposite of what they tell you to do.” I took their advice. I still see idiots wearing masks. Mainly middle-aged women and old men. In the words of Scott Adams “You were right.”

  4. still seeing people wearing the masks, mostly people of color in my neck of the woods
    always tempted to ask them what rock they live under to not know they’re more harmful than helpful


    Operating room: a high incidence (45%) of blood and body fluid splashes were found on protective glasses and masks. There was a very high incidence (79%) during vascular surgical procedures. With the prevalence of HIV and hepatitis increasing, it seems prudent to protect oneself against possible routes of transmission.

  6. Best mask explanation. Draw a Checkers grid. Put 30-80 dots in one of the squares. The dots represent the size of the Covid virus. The area of the squares represents the gap between mask fibers. IOW, Covid is going through the mask no matter what.

  7. @MissInMi: That way, I can plan maneuvers to avoid them.

    Not me! I rather enjoy standing there and glare at them, letting them know they’re idiots. You know, the look you gave your kids when they’ve done something stupid. 🙂

  8. Tony R, they strapped the face diapers on us, and locked is down, so that we’d be clamoring for the jabs just to get out and about with a bare face. The real stop gap measure was desperate denial of cheap, effective therapeutics until the jab was ready.

    Now, I’d guess that about half of our population os mentally broken to whatever insane, tyrannical protocols out government prescribes the next time this is done, and the other half will not be having it at all and will be expressing this sentiment stridently, from the start.

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